‘You Anoint My Head’: What Does Psalm 23 Tell Us About Welcome?

Anoint Me

What does Anoint Me mean to anoint?

Maybe, just like me, the first time you heard the word anoint or anointing, it was in the church. I do not remember hearing about anointing anywhere else outside the church.

I keep hearing that so and so is anointed or so and so is full of anointing. I have discovered that most of us do not really understand the meaning of the word anointing. Anointing literally means to smear or pour oil on something.

So there is really nothing religious about the word anointing itself. David says you anoint my head with oil.

Remember that David speaks as a sheep, so the picture that needs to come to your mind is that of a sheep being smeared with the oil. If you do not see this you will end up with lots of unnecessary and unintended meanings.

The Lord Jesus anoint my head with oil

Therefore, in order to comprehend this section of the psalm, it is necessary to determine the rationale behind the shepherd’s decision to anoint the livestock with oil.

Context is one of the subjects that I find particularly enjoyable to instruct. When context is disregarded, the Bible will carry any meaning.

Now, what do I mean by “context”? Put simply, it is imperative to comprehend the intentions of the author when reading the Bible.

In other words, it is necessary to assume the writer’s perspective and experience the same sensations as they did, including sight, sound, scent, and emotion. Gain insight into the writer’s perspective in order to comprehend his intentions.

The writer’s intention can only be implemented in one’s existence once one comprehends it. Every piece of writing is composed within a specific context. No text is composed in isolation.

Let me provide an example to help you understand this. I was fortunate enough to have lived prior to the advent of mobile phones. Both of us were communicating via landlines. Consequently, I was required to be present at a specific location in order to receive your contact.

Therefore, in order to comprehend my statement that I was anticipating a call at a specific location during a conversation today, it is imperative that you first ascertain my context.

Waiting for the contact at a specific location is illogical when one possesses a cell phone. Therefore, it will only be comprehensible to you if you consider your own situation.

I would like to provide you with three details regarding the context before we proceed with the psalm. This will facilitate your comprehension of the Bible.

1. Historical context

When you read the bible, try to understand the historical setting of the bible. What I mean by this is that you need to understand what was happening historically.

Jesus declare with your mouth, Jesus is loed, and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

It says that we need to confess that Jesus is the Lord to be saved. Now this letter was written to the Romans. As a citizen of Rome, you could not call anyone else the lord but Caeser.

It was a title reserved for the Caeser alone and it was treason to call anyone else lord and it was punishable by death. So when you called Jesus the Lord, it meant that you were willing to die.

It was not just a willy-nilly repetition of prayer or confession. It was a serious business. So to apply this scripture, you have to believe to a point that you are willing to lose your life for your faith.

2. Cultural context

When reading the Bible, it is also important to comprehend the cultural context. This will also assist you in comprehending the rationale behind specific statements.

Paul employs the term “child” in verse 1 and “children” in verse 3. Verse 3 refers to us as “children,” while verse 5 refers to us as “sons.”

What is the distinction? The Jews believed that you were a minor without any rights until a certain age, typically around 30. The father will then perform a ceremony for the infant, marking his transition to a son.

The father will declare over the child in the presence of others, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased!” Does it sound familiar? Since that date, a son has been granted access to the family’s assets and business.

3. Literary context

The style of writing employed is referred to as literary context. The Bible has been written in a variety of genres. Certain passages are straightforward historical narratives, while others are poetic.

Consequently, it is crucial to comprehend the style employed in the scripture in order to avoid reading it literally, which is merely poetic.

It is important to consistently inquire about the writer’s intention and the original audience’s comprehension.

Therefore, when David declares, “The LORD is my shepherd,” he is expressing himself within the context of his own life. In other words, when David refers to a shepherd, he is referring to his own comprehension of the term, not yours.

Additionally, he is implicitly discussing his comprehension of the shepherd and the livestock. Therefore, it is imperative that we first visualise the livestock being anointed with oil when we read “you anoint my head with oil” in this psalm.

Therefore, permit me to provide you with the context. An area that was exceedingly hot and arid was the location where David resided when he wrote. It is probable that it was a location akin to my own, Reivilo.

The insects, particularly flies, would subsequently seek out locations where they could deposit their eggs. Now, the mucous in the sheep’s nostrils made it an optimal location for them to lay their eggs.

The egg will hatch and develop into worms, which would typically ascend the sheep’s snout and enter its brain. This would result in a severe headache and a significant amount of irritation for the livestock.

Therefore, in order to obtain relief, the sheep would locate a rock or tree and strike its skull against it. This would not only cause harm to the livestock, but it would also result in its death.

Therefore, the shepherd’s purpose in anointing the sheep with oil was to avert this occurrence.

Our daily irritations and grievances are recognised by God. The things that we must confront on a daily basis are prevented from destroying us by His anointing.

The anointing that is upon our existence is the reason we are able to survive from day to day. You will be astounded by the number of individuals who are unable to endure the challenges you encounter on a daily basis.

In the midst of the chaotic world, it is the anointing of God that maintains your sanity. It is also the same anointing that allows you to fulfil your daily obligations.

You are not merely performing the task; rather, you have been designated to do so. Your actions are being guided by God. Once this comprehension is achieved, it is impossible to be intimidated by any individual.

You have been sanctified by God. Therefore, as I conclude this chapter, what does anointing symbolise in your life? Most frequently, when individuals discuss the anointing of God, they refer to the authority of God.

It is accurate that it is the power of God; however, it is more than that. Anointing is the manifestation of the Person, Presence, and Power of God in your existence.

Therefore, when we pray in this location, we present all of the activities that we intend to undertake to God. This is the point at which we offer our prayers to God for the success of the new initiatives. We are also imploring God to ensure that our strategies are successful.

Therefore, present God with all of your future endeavours and obligations. Never assume that you are doing anything for granted; rather, begin to do so through experience.

Present your obligations as a parent, employer, employee, or child to the LORD. Let Him create a pathway in your life where there is none!

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