Why Was Abraham Willing To Kill His Own Son?

Why Was Abraham Willing To Kill His Own Son?

Answer: One day God told Abraham to take his son, Isaac, up into the mountains and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham took the trip and was willing to kill his own son because he knew that he had to obey God.

Isaac was a miracle child, a special gift from God, and Abraham loved him very much. It was very difficult for Abraham to take Isaac and prepare him to be killed.

But Abraham loved and obeyed God; he had faith and expected a miracle. Abraham believed that God could and would raise Isaac from the dead.

This request from God was a test of Abraham’s faith. Abraham believed that God’s plan wouldn’t be stopped. The good news, of course, is that Abraham didn’t have to kill Isaac – God provided an animal to be sacrificed instead. Many years later, God sacrificed his own Son, Jesus, for us.

Key verse: [Abraham] believed that if Isaac died God would bring him back to life. That is just about what happened. As far as Abraham knew, Isaac was doomed to death. But he came back again, alive! (Hebrews 11:19)

Related verses: Genesis 22:1-19; Hebrews 11:17-19

Related questions: If Abraham sacrificing his son was

like God sacrificing Jesus, then why didn’t God stop the people just before they killed Jesus? Why was it important for Abraham to have a son?

Why Did Jacob Trick His Dad?

Answer: Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob tricked his father because he wanted the inheritance that should have gone to his brother. Jacob was selfish and greedy.

Also, he was his mom’s favorite child, and when his mother told him how to trick his father, he went along and did what she said.

Although Jacob received the inheritance, his actions broke up the family and caused everyone a lot of grief.

Key verses: Rebekah: “Now do exactly as I tell you. Go out to the flocks and bring me two young goats. I will prepare your father’s favorite dish from them.

Then take it to your father. After he has enjoyed it he will bless you before his death, instead of Esau” (Genesis 27:8-10)

Related verses: Genesis 27:1-40

Related questions: Why did Jacob and Esau both want to be the leader? What’s a birthright?




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