Why Is It Wrong To Complain When My Mom Asks Me To Do Something?

Why Is It Wrong To Complain When My Mom Asks Me To Do Something?

Answer: Remember, the Bible tells us to honor our parents. This means being polite, having a good attitude, and showing them respect, even when we disagree with them.

If you don’t agree with your parents, you can tell them how you feel without complaining or hurting them with words. Also, think about how much they do for you.

That will help you have a thankful attitude rather than a complaining one. People who complain a lot don’t have many friends, are usually unhappy, and often have miserable lives.

And the more they complain, the worse it gets! You can choose to be content and to make the best of every situation.

Key verse: Don’t complain or argue in anything you do. (Philippians 2:14)

Related verses: Matthew 21:28-31; lames 5:9; 1 Peter 4:9

Related question: Is it all right to complain when my mom asks me to do something?

Note to parents: Explain to your child: “You don’t have to like it; you just have to do it.”

If your child calmly and respectfully explains his or her objections, affirm the good attitude and consider the objections carefully.

If My Parents Are Arguing, Is It Ok To Tell Them To Stop?

Answer: Sometimes parents disagree, and they need to talk it out. Just because a husband and wife argue doesn’t mean they are having serious problems.

Even people who love each other deeply will disagree from time to time. Disagreeing isn’t wrong, and arguing doesn’t mean the people hate each other.

Also, it is not your job as a child to see that your parents don’t argue. You can tell them how you feel, but don’t try to tell them what to do.

Pray for your parents if they are arguing. Ask God to help them get along and to give them wisdom for their conversation.

However, if the arguing leads to yelling, screaming, swearing, or hitting, you may have to tell another adult who can help your mom and dad. Your pastor would be a good choice.

Key verse: Entering an argument that isn’t any of your business is as foolish as yanking a dog’s ears. (Proverbs 26:17)

Related verse: Philippians 4:2

Related questions: If it’s wrong to argue, how come my parents do? Do adults always know more than kids?

Note to parents: Hearing parents argue can be very hard for a child. You and your spouse will disagree and argue from time to time.

But be careful about how you argue, especially in front of your children. Fight fairly; that is, don’t swear, call the other person names, or use privileged information against him or her.

Instead, calm down, lower your voice, acknowledge the other person’s position, state your position, and propose a solution.

Demonstrate to your children that differences can be resolved peacefully and lovingly.

Is It Ok To Tell Secrets To Parents?

Answer: Yes. It is wonderful to have someone you can trust. Mothers and fathers who love their children want to help them every way they can.

There is no better person with whom you can share a secret. So it’s OK to tell your own secrets to your parents.

Just be sure to tell them that it’s a secret and that you don’t want them to tell anybody- then they’ll know not to tell.

Some children have secrets that they keep from their parents. That is not God’s way.

How can your parents help you and teach you and take care of you if you don’t trust them and talk to them?

If someone says you can’t tell your parents something, tell them not to tell you, either.

Key verse: Don’t tell your secrets to a gossip unless you want them broadcast to the world. (Proverbs 20:19)

Related verses: Proverbs 11:13; 25:9-10

Related question: Are there some things I shouldn’t tell my parents?

Note to parents: Children need someone with whom they can share their fears, dreams, and secrets.

Your children should always feel confident that they can tell you everything that is on their mind.

Guard that information carefully and lovingly. Don’t use the information against them, don’t belittle what they have shared, and don’t betray their trust.

Use this opportunity to affirm your children for being honest and for trusting you.

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