Why Hasn’t God Told Us When Jesus Is Coming Back?

Why Hasn’t God Told Us When Jesus Is Coming Back?

Answer: Jesus promised his disciples (and us) that he would return to earth some day.

But when they asked when, he told them, “Such things are not for you to know” (Acts 1:7).

Rather than be concerned with when Jesus will return, we should always live as though Jesus can return at any moment.

In other words, we should always do what is right and tell others about God’s salvation.

Although God doesn’t say exactly when Christ will return, he did say that certain things need to take place first.

One of these is that Christ will not come back until the Gospel has been preached to the whole world.

God has promised that Jesus will return soon and every day passed is a day closer to his return.

Key verse: “But no one knows the date and hour when the end will be. Not even the angels know this. No, not even God’s Son knows this. Only the Father knows.” (Matthew 24:36)

Related verses: Matthew 24:3-25:46; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 10:37; James 5:7

Related questions: When is Jesus coming back? How come we can’t see Jesus today?

Is There Church In Heaven?

Answer:  In heaven, we won’t have churches like the ones we have on earth because everyone in heaven will be a believer in Christ, and all of us will be together in God’s presence.

So we will be able to talk, laugh, pray, and have fun together all the time. We won’t need church buildings either.

We will see Jesus in person, so we will be able to worship him all the time, not just an hour a week.

There will also be angels in heaven worshiping with us. We don’t know exactly what worship will be like, but it won’t include announcements, the offering, Bible reading, and a sermon.

It will be pure joy. Think about it- we will be able to talk directly to Moses, David, Paul, and all the other faithful and famous servants of God!

Key verse: But we are looking forward to God’s promise of new heavens and a new earth. Only goodness will be there. (2 Peter 3:13)

Related verses: 1 John 3:2; Revelation 21:1-27

Related questions: How big is the church in heaven, if there is one? Who gets to go to heaven? When we all go to heaven, will Jesus make something else on the earth?

Note to parents: Be careful of telling kids that in heaven we get to worship God all the time.

They may think that they’ll be singing hymn after hymn and listening to sermon after sermon for all eternity.

Be sure to explain that heaven will be fun and exciting-better than Disney World, Nintendo, or any party they can imagine.

Will I Have A Bedroom Up In Heaven?


Answer: Jesus told his disciples that where his Father lived there were many homes.

But we don’t know exactly what that place or “house” will be like. In heaven, we will have what the Bible calls glorified bodies.

In other words, our bodies will be different from what they are now. We will be able to recognize others, but we won’t need food or sleep.

We won’t have bedrooms in heaven like the ones we have here; instead, we’ll have very special places, each one prepared for us by Jesus.

And we won’t have to worry about the weather -the temperature will always be perfect.

We won’t even have to be concerned about what to wear -God will give us clothes.

Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with joy, love, and happiness!

Key verse: “There are many homes in my Father’s house. I am going to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)

Related verses: John 14:2-4; Revelation 21:1-27

Related questions: Will we live with our families in heaven? What do people walk on up in heaven, clouds? Will we see the twelve disciples in heaven?

What kind of clothes do they have in heaven? Is it cold up in heaven? What is it like in heaven? Do people have birthdays in heaven and get older? Do people have babies up in heaven? Are there only old people in heaven?

Note to parents: Children always have questions about heaven. The questions listed above are good and indicate that they are thinking in terms of things and personal security.

Let them know that heaven is a place of massive joy-they will like being there more than anywhere else. We don’t know what will happen in heaven – only that it will be wonderful!

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