Why Don’t You Let Us Watch Shows?

Why Don’t You Let Us Watch Shows?

Answer:  Many TV programs show people saying and doing things that go against God and what he says.

Many of the people who make television shows aren’t Christians. They don’t know God and will often make programs that are not good for us to watch.

Some shows even encourage us to do wrong things. We should always try to do what is right. So it is good to turn off the set or change the channel when a bad show comes on.

We should guard our hearts because what we put into our hearts will show up in our lives (Proverbs 4:23).

Key verse: And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say one more thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.

Think about things that are pure and lovely. Dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. (Philippians 4:8)

Related verses: Proverbs 4:23; 23:7; Ephesians 5:11; Philippians 2:14-16; James 4:4

Related questions: Why does what you watch on TV matter if you’re a Christian? Why do we have to be careful about what we watch on TV?

Is it right or wrong to watch worldly movies? Is it bad to watch TV?

Note to parents: This is the kind of question that touches on the fundamental issue of what we are here for.

We are here to learn to love, to learn to trust, to live with God beside us, and to show God’s love to others-not to seek immediate personal pleasure.

Help your children to see the bigger picture to help them make good choices in individual areas of life.

What If One Parent Says You Can Watch A Certain Movie, And Then The Other One Says You Can’t?

Answer: If one parent tells you no, then accept that as your answer and don’t go looking for per-mission from your other parent.

Some kids go back and forth between parents until one gives in and says OK. That’s wrong because it dishonors what the first parent said.

If Mom or Dad says you can’t do something (like watch a certain movie), you may nicely ask why. That will help you understand the reason for the no.

But don’t argue, complain, or whine about it. Instead, say thank you and obey. God wants us to honor and obey our parents. He told us that in his Word.

Why does God want children to obey their parents? Because that’s how God keeps kids safe and gives them what they need to grow up.

Obeying and honoring your parents will help you learn the things you need to live a happy and productive life.

Key verses: Young person, obey your father and your mother. Take to heart all of their advice. Keep in mind all that they tell you. (Proverbs 6:20-21)

Related verses: Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-3

Note to parents: It’s very important for parents to support each other when kids come to one parent with a request designed to undo what the other said.

Make it a policy to enforce the first answer as the final answer unless you both agree to change your mind.

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