Why Does God Have Rules?

Why Does God Have Rules?

Answer: God has rules to protect us and to help us. In one way, God’s rules are like a wall that protects us from danger.

The wall stops us from going any further than we should and getting into trouble.

Although we don’t always know what is on the other side of the wall, God does, and he loves us so much that he wants to keep us away from it.

God also has rules to help us grow and become all that he wants us to be. Think of feeding a baby.

The baby may not like the food-the way it looks, tastes, and feels-but we know that he or she needs to eat good food in order to be healthy and to grow.

Like the baby, we don’t know everything we need, but God does. In order to help us, he tells us what to do.

God loves us more than anyone else does, and he knows what is best for us. His rules are for our benefit. That’s why we need to trust him and obey him.

Key verses: Until Christ came we were guarded by the law. We were kept by the law until we could believe in the coming Savior.

Let me put it another way. The Jewish laws were our teacher and guide until Christ came. He gave us right standing with God through our faith. (Galatians 3:23-24)

Related verses: Deuteronomy 5:31-33; 7:8; Psalm 19:7-11; 119:9,33-40; Romans 2:20; 7:12; Hebrews 12:9-11

Related question: Why are there so many laws in the Bible?

Why Doesn’t God Want Us To Have Fun?

Answer: If people think or say that God doesn’t want us to have fun, they don’t know the truth about God.

He does want us to have fun. Jesus was happy, and he told people that they would find joy by following him.

Also, God tells us in the Bible that heaven is a place of nonstop joy.

Doing what is wrong (sinning) can be fun, but the fun doesn’t last, and it leads to bad consequences.

It’s like eating something that tastes good but that makes you sick later. The main reason we shouldn’t sin is that God tells us not to, “and we need to trust him.

God knows us better than anyone else does. His fun and joy and happiness are the greatest! And they last forever!

Nobody can have more fun than people who know God. You don’t have to sin to have fun.

Key verse: I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. (lohn 15:11)

Related verses: Psalm 5: 11; 19:8; Luke 10:21; John 3:29; 17:13; Romans 14:17; Galatians 5:22; Philippians 1:25; Hebrews 11:24-25; Jude 1:24

Related question: Does the Lord have hate in him?

Note to parents: Be careful not to imply that people who sin aren’t having fun.

Kids know better, from observation and from their own experience! Emphasize the fact that God’s way is the best way for us, even though another way may seem better.

Also, make the distinction between immediate pleasure and a joyful, healthy life.

Is God Sad When Ido Something Wrong?

Answer: God is very sad when we do bad things. In fact, he is more upset and grieved over the sins of the world than anyone else.

God is sad because he sees how much sin hurts us and others. But God realizes that we are growing and we make mistakes sometimes.

He keeps on encouraging us. He loves us so much that he will not give up on us.

Key verse: Don’t cause the Holy Spirit sorrow by the way you live. Remember, he has marked you until the day when salvation will be complete. (Ephesians 4:30)

Related verses: 2 Samuel 24:16; Matthew 23:37

Related questions: What does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit? What if I didn’t believe in the Bible? Does Jesus really love me?

Note To Parents: Some parents use this truth to get children to behave.

But many children, especially younger ones, already feel guilty about their wrongdoing and will be oversensitive to the idea that they have hurt God’s feelings.

Instead, tell them that God loves them, is helping them to be good, and is very pleased when they do the right thing!

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