Why Do So Many People Keep Translating The Bible?

Why do so many people keep translating the bible?

Answer: The Old Testament first was written in the Hebrew language, and the New Testament was written in Greek.

If no one had ever translated the Bible, only people who could read ancient Hebrew and Greek would be able to understand the Bible today.

Fortunately, over the years men and women have taken the time to put the Bible into other languages, including English, so that speakers of almost all languages can read it.

But some people still don’t have the Bible in their own language – some don’t even have a written language. For them to read God’s Word, somebody has to put their language into written words.

Then someone has to translate the Bible into their language so they can read it. Imagine if there were no Bibles in your language – how would you read it? God wants us to take the message about Jesus to everyone all over the world, and that means translating the Bible into every language there is. That’s why people keep translating the Bible.

Key verses: “So now go and make disciples in all the nations. Baptize them into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this thing! I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Related verses: Isaiah 6:8; 1 Timothy 4:13

Why isn’t there just one kind of bible?

Answer: There are many kinds of Bibles because there are many kinds of people. But they all contain the same message. Different Bibles meet different needs. Some Bibles are very small so you can carry them with you.

Others are big so you can see the words better. Some Bibles use everyday words to make the Bible easy to read and the lessons easy to learn.

Some Bibles have notes, maps, and charts to help people understand the parts that are different from today.

The purpose of all these different Bibles is to help people understand what God is saying so they can obey him.

Key verse: Until I get there, read and explain the Bible to the church. Preach God’s Word. (1 Timothy 4:13)

Related verses: 2 Timothy 2:15-16

Related questions: Why doesn’t the King James Version have the English that we speak in it? Why are some Bibles study Bibles and some aren’t?

Note to parents: It is very important for children to have a translation of the Bible that they can read and understand themselves.

If they ask this question because they can’t understand their own Bible, consider getting them a translation that they can understand.


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