Why Didn’t God Just Forgive Everybody?

Why didn’t God just forgive everybody?

Answer: It would not be right or fair for God to just forgive everyone. There is a penalty that must be paid for doing wrong. The penalty for sinning against God is death, eternal death.

But God loved us so much that he sent Jesus, his only Son, to pay our penalty. Jesus did this by dying on the cross, in our place. Now everyone can be forgiven by trusting in Christ.

Key Verses: Yes, all have sinned. All fall short of God’s perfect glory. But if we trust in Jesus Christ, God says we are “not guilty.” In his kindness he freely takes away our sins.

God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. He ended all God’s anger against us. Christ’s blood and our faith saves us from God’s anger.

This is the way he could be fair to everybody. He did not punish the people who sinned before Christ came. He was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins. (Romans 3:23-25)

Related verses: Mark 8:31; John 3: 16; Romans 5:8; Hebrews 2:14-17; 8:3; 9:13-14, 22-23; 1 John 1:7

Related question: Why did Jesus have to die?

If god gives us everything we ask for, then how come we don’t have everything?

Answer: God doesn’t give us everything we ask for. He gives us everything we need, when we need it. Sometimes we want things that could hurt us, such as when a baby wants to play in the fire. God knows what can hurt us, so he doesn’t give us those things because he loves us. God wants to give us what is good for us.

Key verse: When you do ask you don’t get it because your whole aim is wrong. You want only what will make you happy. (James 4:3)

Related verses: Matthew 7:7-11; 21:22; Luke 11:9

Related question: Why didn’t I get what I prayed for?

Note To Parents: If your child is older, you may want
to explain that there are three types of prayers: (1) those who don’t ask, (2) those who ask with the wrong motives, and (3) those who consider what God wants and pray accordingly.

This question may be a chance to find a need that your child has and pray with him or her about it.

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