Why Did The People Want To Have A King?

Why Did The People Want To Have A King?

Answer: The people of Israel were unhappy with God as their king and wanted to be like all the other nations-to have a human king who would lead them in battle.

Times were tough, and Samuel’s sons were turning out to be bad judges. They were accepting bribes and making wrong decisions.

Samuel knew that God wanted the people to trust in God and not in a king, but God told Samuel to give them one anyway, along with a warning that a king would bring them many hardships.

The man chosen to be Israel’s first king was Saul; he was tall and handsome, but very shy. Saul started out to be a good king, but then became bad because he disobeyed God.

Key verse: “Do as they say,” the Lord replied. “For I am the one they are rejecting not you. They do not want me to be their king any longer.” (1 Samuel 8:7)

Related verses: 1 Samuel 8:1-22

Related questions: Why did Saul hide in the baggage? Was Saul a wicked man?

What Did Goliath Eat That Made Him So Big?

Answer: Goliath was a very big man – over nine feet tall. If he were alive today, he would be able to dunk a basketball without jumping, and his head would touch the net.

We don’t know how Goliath got to be so big, but he was a giant of a man. Goliath was as nasty as he was big; he hated the Israelites and would make fun of them and God.

King Saul and his soldiers were afraid of fighting him. But a young man named David wasn’t afraid. He knew that he had to fight against this man who stood against God, no matter how big he was.

And he knew he would win because God would fight for him.

Key verse: Then Goliath came out of the Philistine ranks to face Israel’s army. He was a Philistine champion from Gath. Goliath was a giant of a man! He was over nine feet tall! (1 Samuel 17:4)

Related verses: 1 Samuel 17:4-11

Related questions: How tall was Goliath? How did Goliath get so tall if his mom was a regular-sized person? Was Goliath’s mom a giant? How did Goliath get so big?

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