Why Did Solomon Want To Cut The Baby In Half?

Why Did Solomon Want To Cut The Baby In Half?

Answer: After David died, his son Solomon became king. God told Solomon that he could have anything he asked for. Solomon asked for wisdom.

One day two women came to King Solomon arguing over who was the real mother of a baby, and Solomon suggested that he cut the baby in half and give one half to each mother.

Solomon didn’t want to kill the baby. He just suggested that they cut the baby in half in order to find out who was the baby’s real mother.

Solomon knew that the real mother would never let such a thing happen to her baby. Solomon’s trick worked, and the baby was given to his real mother.

This story is in the Bible to show how wise Solomon was, in answer to his prayer. God made him the wisest man who ever lived.

Key Verses: So [God] replied, “You did not ask for a long life. You did not ask for riches for yourself You did not ask me to defeat your enemies.

Instead, you asked for wisdom in ruling my people. Yes, I’ll give you what you asked for! I will make you wiser than anyone else ever has been or will be!” (1 Kings 3:11-12)

Related verses: 1 Kings 3:3-28

Related questions: Why did God make Solomon rich when he only asked for wisdom? How did Solomon get to be so smart?

Why Did Solomon Want To Cut The Baby In Half?

Answer: After David died, his son Solomon became king. God told Solomon that he could have anything he asked for. Solomon asked for wisdom.

One day two women came to King Solomon arguing over who was the real mother of a baby, and Solomon suggested that he cut the baby in half and give one half to each mother.

Solomon didn’t want to kill the baby. He just suggested that they cut the baby in half in order to find out who was the baby’s real mother.

Solomon knew that the real mother would never let such a thing happen to her baby. Solomon’s trick worked, and the baby was given to his real mother.

This story is in the Bible to show how wise Solomon was, in answer to his prayer. God made him the wisest man who ever lived.

Key verses: So [God] replied, “You did not ask for a long life. You did not ask for riches for yourself You did not ask me to defeat your enemies.

Instead, you asked for wisdom in ruling my people. Yes, I’ll give you what you asked for! I will make you wiser than anyone else ever has been or will be!” (1 Kings 3:11-12)

Related verses: 1 Kings 3:3-28

Related questions: Why did God make Solomon rich when he only asked for wisdom? How did Solomon get to be so smart?

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