Why Did Samson Tell Delilah His Secret?

Why Did Samson Tell Delilah His Secret?

Answer: Samson was in love with a woman named Delilah even though Delilah did not really love him and was a friend of his enemies.

When some of those enemies offered her money to help them capture Samson, Delilah agreed and asked him for the secret of his strength.

At first he gave her the wrong answers, but she nagged him and prodded him until finally Samson told her the truth-his strength came from God as part of a vow that included not cutting his hair.

He told her that if his hair were cut, the Lord and his strength would leave him. Samson let himself be tricked because he was blinded by his feelings for Delilah.

We need to be careful about our friends; even people we care about and like may sometimes want us to do bad things. Whenever that happens, we should obey God.

Key verses: She nagged at him every day until he couldn’t stand it any longer. In the end, he told her his secret. “My hair has never been cut,” he confessed. “For I’ve been a Nazirite to God since before my birth. If my hair were cut, my strength would leave me. I would become as weak as anyone else.” (Judges 16:16-17)

Related verses: Judges 16:1-22

Related questions: How did Samson get his strength? When Delilah kept asking Samson about what his secret was, why did he tell her when he knew she would tell the Philistines?

Why Did Hannah Leave Her Son At The Church?

Answer: For a long time, Hannah was unable to have children, and that bothered her very much.

One day, while crying and praying to God, she vowed that if God would answer her prayer and give her a son, she would give the boy back to God, dedicating his life to serving God.

When Samuel was born, Hannah remembered her promise to God; a few years later, when Samuel was old enough to eat solid food, she brought Samuel to the tabernacle (the place where God’s people worshiped).

Leaving Samuel there was like leaving him at a boarding school, with people who would love and care for him and teach him God’s ways.

Hannah wasn’t abandoning Samuel; she was leaving him with teachers who would train him to become a priest and servant of God.

Hannah’s son was in good hands. Samuel grew up to be a leader of Israel and a spokesman for God.

Key verses: “I asked [God] to give me this child. And he has given me what I asked for! Now I am giving him to the Lord for as long as he lives.” So [Hannah] left him there at the Tabernacle for the Lord to use. (1 Samuel 1:27-28) RELATED VERSES: 1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:26-21

Related question: Why did God choose Samuel instead of a grown-up or someone who knew him better?

Note to parents: Questions like this one may have others hidden underneath: Will I be left alone with strangers? Does God think it’s good for children to be left with strangers?

Do my parents care about me? Be sensitive to this concern and reassure your children of God’s care and your commitment to love and nurture them.


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