Why Did Paul Want To Tell The Romans About Jesus?

Why Did Paul Want To Tell The Romans About Jesus?

Answer: Many people in Rome had become followers of Christ after visiting Jerusalem and hearing the message from the apostles there.

Some had become Christians in other cities and had then moved to Rome. Paul wanted to meet these believers and encourage them in their faith.

Rome was the most important city in the world at that time – the capital city of the Roman Empire.

Paul knew that Christ’s message had to go all over the world, and Rome would be a key place for helping to make that happen.

Also, Paul was a Roman citizen, and he spoke Greek just as many people in Rome did, so he knew people would listen to him.

Paul went on several trips all over the Roman Empire, including one to Rome, to tell people about Jesus.

Key Verse: That night the Lord stood beside Paul. “Don’t worry, Paul,” he said. “You have told the people about me here in Jerusalem. In the same way, you must also be my witness in Rome.” (Acts 23:11)

Related verses: Acts 4:27-30; 19:21; Romans 1:1-16:27

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How Did Paul Send Letters To Churches If They Didn’t Have Mailboxes?

Answer: In Paul’s time, they didn’t have a postal service like the one we have today. Instead, people sent letters by messengers or friends.

Many of Paul’s friends delivered his letters to churches. These friends included Timothy, Tychicus, and others. Paul wrote some letters, such as Philemon and Titus, to individuals.

He wrote others, such as Romans and Philippians, to specific churches. And he wrote still others, such as Galatians and Colossians, to specific churches with the idea that the letters would be passed along to other churches.

Paul’s letters teach us about other parts of the Bible, about Jesus, about how Christians should live, and about how churches should be organized. Paul’s letters have a lot to teach us!

Key Verse: And remember why [the Lord] is waiting [to return]. He is giving us time to get his message of salvation out to others. Our wise and beloved brother Paul has talked about these things in his letters. (2 Peter 3:15)

Related Verses: Galatians 6:11; Ephesians 6:21-22; Colossians 4:7-8; 2 Timothy 4:12-13; Titus 3:12; Philemon 1:12

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