Why Did Jesus Dress So Funny?

Why Did Jesus Dress So Funny?

Answer: The clothes worn by Jesus and his followers may look different to us today, but they were in style back then. Jesus wore what people wore at that time.

His clothes fit the climate and culture of the day. No one who lived in Jesus’ time told him that he dressed funny, and they should know.

Key verses: So the soldiers crucified Jesus. Then they put his clothes into four piles. There was one piece of clothing for each of them. But they said, “Let’s not tear up his robe,” for it was seamless.

“Let’s throw dice to see who gets it.” This fulfilled the Scriptures. It said, “They divided my clothes among them and cast lots for my robe.” (John 19:23-24)

Related verses: Psalm 22:18; Matthew 27:35

Note to parents: Children get their idea of how Jesus dressed from Bible and Sunday school art. This is what we think Jesus might have looked like, but we have no pictures or descriptions of his physical appearance, so we don’t know exactly what he looked like.

Why did they beat up Jesus?

Answer: Some people got very angry at Jesus because he was speaking against the bad things they were doing. They tried to get Jesus to do what they wanted. Instead, Jesus did what God wanted him to do, and he told everybody how bad those people were.

Finally, the people got so angry at Jesus that they wanted to kill him. And eventually, that’s what they did.

Key verses: Then the Roman soldiers took him into the barracks of the palace. They called out the whole palace guard. They dressed him in a purple robe. And they made a crown of sharp thorns and put it on his head.

Then they cheered, yelling, “Yea! King of the Jews!” They beat him on the head with a cane and spat on him. They made fun of him by bowing down to “worship” him. (Mark 15: 16-19)

Related verses: Isaiah 53:4-10; Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 15:15; John 15:14-18

Related questions: Why did they put a thorny crown on Jesus? If Jesus was such a good man, why were people mad at him?

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