Why Did I Have A Bad Dream Wnen I Prayed Before I Went To Sleep?

Why did I have a bad dream wnen I prayed before I went to sleep?

Answer: It’s good to pray before falling asleep at night. Praying helps us think through the day and thank God for how much he loves us. We should also pray for the next day.

Christians aren’t promised that they will be free from all problems and difficulties. God does promise to be with us during hard times.

A lot of things can cause bad dreams-something on our mind, something we ate, a noise. Ask God to help you sleep, but remember that whatever happens, he is there with you.

Key verse: Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely. For the Lord was watching over me. (Psalm 3:5)

Related verses: Psalm 34:17-19; 139:7-11; Proverbs 3:24-26; Matthew 2:12-13; Acts 2:17

Related question: If God is with me, why did he let me have a bad dream?

How can god hear everyone’s prayers at once?

Answer: God can hear everyone’s prayers at once because God is everywhere. We can only be in one place at a time, and usually we can’t understand more than one person at a time.

But God is not like us – he is not limited. Not only can God hear and understand everyone who is praying to him in many different languages, but he also can give each person his full attention. Isn’t that great?

Key verses: [God is speaking] “Am I a God who is only in one place? Do they think I cannot see what they are doing? Can anyone hide from me? Am I not everywhere in Heaven and earth at the same time?” (Jeremiah 23: 23-24)

Related verses: Luke 1:13; Acts 10:31

Related question: How can God hear people praying at the same time from different countries?

Note to parents: Many children harbor the misconception that God is limited as we are. This is partly unavoidable because children think concretely. But it is also an opportunity for you to introduce them to the idea that God is infinitely greater than we are.

He can even hear thousands of prayers at once! An illustration that might help: When five people touch you, you can feel all five.

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