Why Did God Put A Rainbow In The Sky?

Why Did God Put A Rainbow In The Sky?

Answer: After the rains stopped, the flood waters went down, and Noah, his family, and the animals left the ark, God promised that he would never again send a flood to destroy the earth.

Then God put a rainbow in the clouds as a sign of this promise. Whenever we see a rainbow, it reminds us of the Flood, the reason for it, and God’s promise never to flood the earth again.

Key verses: “I will never again send another flood to destroy the earth. And I seal my promise with this sign. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds.

It is a sign of my promise until the end of time, to you and to all the earth.” (Genesis 9:11-13)

Related verses: Genesis 9:12-17

Related questions: Did it ever rain before the Flood? Why did God give Noah a rainbow?

Note to parents: God gives us symbols and images to remind us of his love and promises. The cross, for example, reminds us of Christ’s death for us. The empty tomb reminds us of his power over sin and death. His throne in heaven reminds us of his authority

Why Did God Choose Abraham To Go To The Promised Land Instead Of Someone Else?

Answer: God chose Abraham (called Abram at first) to go to the Promised Land (which would later be called Israel) and to become the father of a great nation.

Abraham was chosen, not because he was especially good, but simply because God wanted him- the Bible doesn’t give us God’s reasons.

God doesn’t always tell us why he does what he does. God knows everything and can do anything he wants. God knew that Abraham would obey.

Key verses: God had told Abram, “Leave your own country behind you, and your own people. Go to the land I will guide you to. If you do, I will cause you to become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous. You will be a blessing to many others.” (Genesis 12:1-2)

Related verses: Genesis 12:1-3; Hebrews 11:8-10

Related questions: Why did God tell Abraham to go away from his home? Did God choose Abraham because he was the best person in the world?




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