Why Did God Make People Red And Yellow, Black And White?

Why did god make people red and yellow, black and white?

Answer: Can you imagine a world in which everyone looked the same – the same height, weight, color of hair, length of nose, color of eyes, size of ears, and color of skin? That would be boring – and how would we tell people apart? Instead, God created all kinds and colors of people.

Some are tall; some are short; some are brown; some are pink; some have straight black hair; some have curly red hair. They are all special to God. Don’t you just love the differences and what makes you special? God does!

Key verse: In this new life your nation or race or education or social group means nothing. Christ is what matters, and he has been given to all. (Colossians 3:11) RELATED VERSES: Jeremiah 13:23; Acts 17:26

Related questions: How did people get different color skin when Adam and Eve were only one color?

Did god make people in outer space?

Answer: Although people may talk about creatures in outer space, no one really knows whether there is life on other planets. Most of the talk about other life forms comes from make-believe movies and what people imagine might be true. But if there is life in other parts of the universe, God is in charge of it because God is in charge of the whole universe. God created everything, and he is the God of all life everywhere, no matter where it may be.

Key verse: Christ created everything in Heaven and earth. He created the things we can see and the things we can’t see. All kings and kingdoms, rulers and powers were made by Christ. He made them for his own use and glory. (Colossians 1:16)

Related Verses: Genesis 1:1; 1 Chronicles 29:11-12

Related questions: Are there aliens in outer space? Why did God make Mars and Jupiter?

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