Why Did God Let Them Hurt Jesus?

Why did god let them hurt Jesus?

Answer: When Jesus was being hurt, he could have called on angels to save him. After all, he was God’s Son. But Jesus chose to suffer and die for us. Jesus loved us so much that he did what it took to pay for our sins. Jesus and the Father agreed that it was necessary for him to die on the cross.

Key verses: He has so much kindness! He took away all our sins through the blood of his Son. This saved us. He has showered upon us the richness of his grace.

He understands us and knows what is best for us at all times. God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ. He has a plan he decided on in mercy long ago.

He plans to gather us all together when the time is ripe. He will gather his people in Heaven and on earth. They will be with him in Christ forever. (Ephesians 1:7-10)

Related verses: Matthew 26:53; 27:46; 1 John 2:2

Related question: Why didn’t Jesus save himself from dying on the cross?

Why do they call it good Friday if that’s the day Jesus died?

Answer: The day Jesus died is called “Good Friday” because it was a good day for us – Jesus died for us, in our place. That day was both a happy day and a sad day.

It was sad because Jesus suffered and died. But it was happy because Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. At the time, the day was not seen as Good Friday. But by Easter morning, after Jesus had been raised from the dead, everybody knew it was good.

Key verses: He was taken out of the city. He carried his cross to the place known as “The Skull.” In Hebrew it was called “Golgotha.”

There they crucified him and two others with him. One was on either side, with Jesus between them. (John 19:17-18)

Related verses: Matthew 27:32-28:20; Mark 15: 16-47; Luke 23:26-56

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