Why Did God Create The World?

Why did god create the world?

Answer: God created the world and everything in it because he enjoys making things, and he wanted to be with us. God created people because he wanted to have friends, men and women, boys and girls, with whom he could share his love. He created the world for them to live in and enjoy.

Key verses: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… Then God looked over all that he had made. It was excellent in every way. (Genesis 1:1, 31) RELATED VERSES: Genesis 1:1-2:1; Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 45:7

Related questions: Why did God rest when all he did was speak? Why did God create water when there was milk?

Note to parents: This question is a good opportunity to tell your children that God’s plan involves them. God created the world and everything in it – including your children-so that he could have people to love.

How did god create the earth?

Answer: Whenever we make something, like a craft, a drawing, or a sand castle, we have to start with special materials, like clay, string, glue, paper, crayons, and sand. We can’t even imagine creating something out of nothing -by just saying the words and making it appear.

But God is so powerful that he can do what is impossible for us. That includes making anything he wants, even creating things from nothing. That’s what it means to be God-he can do anything.

Key verses: Before anything else existed, there was God’s Son. He was the Word, and he was with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. (John 1:1-3)

Related verses: Genesis 1:1-2; Hebrews 1:10; 2 Peter 3:5-6

Related questions: Why did it take God six days to create the world? What was everything like before God created the world?

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