Why Can’t We Put New Books In The Bible?

Why can’t we put new books in the bible?

Answer: We can’t put new books in the Bible because the Bible is God’s message, not ours. It contains his words, which he inspired his people to write in a special way.

Some people have tried to put new books in the Bible, but others who recognized that the Bible is a special book kept them from changing it.

The story about how God has saved us is complete. God has already told us all we need to know and do.

Key verse: I have serious words for everyone who reads this book: Don’t add anything to what is written here. If you do, God will give you the plagues described in this book. (Revelation 22:18)

Related verses: Hebrews 1:1-2

Related questions: What if God tells someone to put new books in the Bible? What was wrong with the books that didn’t make it into the Bible?

Note To Parents: While Protestants and Catholics differ on the question of including the intertestamental books in the Bible, no Christian denomination is arguing for new books to be added to the Bible.

Many heretical teachers and leaders have tried to add their words to those of Scripture. Many others have tried to give additional writings the same status as the books of the Bible.

But God’s people recognize that the Bible contains God’s words, not our own, so it’s not up to us what goes in it.

Will people write about us in a special bible, too?

Answer: There is only one Bible (or “revelation from God”), and it has already been written. But remember, the Bible is far more than a collection of stories about people who lived a long time ago – it’s God’s message about Jesus; it tells how we should live today.

The Bible also tells us about the future, not just the past. So in one sense, we are in the Bible. We are important in God’s plan.

Also, the Bible tells us that those who believe in Jesus have their names written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” – that’s another book that God has. It tells who will live with God in heaven.

Key verse: Nothing evil will be allowed into it. No one immoral or dishonest can be there. Only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can enter the city. (Revelation 21:27)

Related verses: Psalm 119:129-133, 137-140

Related question: Why wasn’t there a Bible written from the end of our Bible to now?



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