What’s So Bad About Wanting To Wear Clothes That Are In Style?

What’s So Bad About Wanting To Wear Clothes That Are In Style?

Answer: It’s all right to wear nice clothes that are in style. We should take care of ourselves and try to look our best.

But we shouldn’t think that having the latest clothes will make us happy and help us make friends.

And we should remember that wearing nice clothes doesn’t make a person nice.

It’s what’s on the inside of the person that really counts. People who design and make new clothes are trying to make money.

So they broadcast very clever ads on TV and radio to make people want to buy their clothes.

They change the styles every season and say that everyone should wear the latest style. Often the most stylish clothes are also the most expensive. Work with your parents to buy what you can afford.

God wants us to be content with what we have, so don’t think that you have nothing to wear because your clothes are not the very latest style.

And God wants us to put him in first place in our lives, so don’t make clothes and other things more important than he is.

Key verses: Don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things.

And they are very worried about them, too. But your heavenly Father already knows that you need them.

Give him first place in your life. Live as he wants you to. Then he will give all these things to you as well. (Matthew 6:31-33)

Related verses: Philippians 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 6:8; Hebrews 13:5

Related question: Is it vain to want to have your hair perfect or wear “in style” clothes?

If I’m Supposed Love Everybody, Why Am I Supposed To Stay Away From Certain Kids?

Answer: God wants us to be loving and kind to everyone, but that doesn’t mean we have to be a dose friend to everyone.

Some people can be bad influences on us. If we spend too much time with them, we can find ourselves doing what we shouldn’t do and getting into trouble.

It is good to want to be a good influence on others. So you can try to be friendly to kids whom others think are bad.

But if they begin to influence you, you will need to back off. Think about where you play with them and what you do.

Try bringing them to your house to play or inviting them to church.

Your closest friends should be those who help you become a better person-those who have the same attitudes about serving God as you have.

Try to be close to kids who love God and want to serve him.

Talk with your parents about this problem. And if they tell you to stay away from certain kids, do what they say.

Picking good friends is one way parents can really help you.

Key verse: Be with wise people and become wise. Be with evil people and become evil. (proverbs 13:20)

Related verses: Proverbs 27:17; John 17:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11

Related questions: If Christians should love others, why is it wrong to have bad friends? Why is it wrong to have certain friends if God wants us to love everybody?

Note to parents: Friends can have a powerful influence on kids. It’s important for you to monitor your child’s friendships and affirm positive relationships that your child has formed.

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