What’s A Parable?

What’s A Parable?

Answer: A parable is a short story with a surprise ending that makes a point. Jesus told many parables for two reasons: (1) to hide the truth from people who weren’t really interested, and (2) to teach the truth to listeners who were interested and wanted to learn.

Whenever Jesus told parables, those who weren’t interested or who didn’t want to listen didn’t understand. But those who wanted to learn asked Jesus to explain the story, and then they got the point. We can learn from the Bible if we want to do what God says. But if we don’t want to listen to God, the Bible won’t make much sense.

Key verse: [Jesus] used many such stories to teach the people. He taught them as much as they were ready to understand. (Mark 4:33)

Related verses: Ezekiel 17:2; Matthew 13:34; Mark 4:9,30-34

Note To Parents: Many younger children (preadolescents) may not fully understand parables.

That’s OK. Part of what makes parables powerful is that they can teach us more and more as we gain experience in life.

Whenever you read a parable with your children, help them see how it teaches us to live.

For example, the parable of the Good Samaritan is about a hurt man who receives help from an unlikely stranger after being bypassed by two religious leaders.

Simply explain that Jesus wants us to be like the helper-compassionate toward others.

Why Did The Disciples Tell The People Jesus Was Too Busy To See The Kids?

Answer: Many parents brought their children to see Jesus, and Jesus always welcomed them.

The disciples tried to stop them because they didn’t understand how much Jesus loved children and wanted all people to come to him.

Sometimes adults act like kids aren’t important or that children get in the way. But Jesus thinks kids are very important.

He thinks you are important. Don’t be afraid to bring your requests to him.

Key verse: But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

Related verses: Matthew 18:1-6; 19:13-15

Related question: Did Jesus talk to the kids?

Note to parents: Remember that Jesus told us to be like children in our belief in him. Watch your kids for clues about how this is done.


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