What’s A Maccabee?

What’s A Maccabee?

Answer: The Maccabees were a courageous and heroic family of Jews who lived between the time of the Old and New Testaments.

The events in the Old Testament ended about four hundred years before the events in the New Testament began.

But during that time, Israel was still ruled by other nations, and most of the rulers were cruel to them.

One ruler from Greece even made fun of the Jewish religion by sacrificing a pig in the temple.

This greatly upset the Jews, and so they rebelled. The revolt was led by Judas Maccabee (who, by the way, was no relation to the Judas who betrayed Jesus).

Under his leadership, the Jews were able to win many battles and eventually restore the temple to the way it was.

They celebrated with a great festival, which came to be called Hanukkah, or the “Feast of Lights” (referred to as the “Feast of Dedication” in the New Testament).

It became an annual event, beginning in December and lasting eight days.

Key verse: It was winter. Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication. (John 10:22)

Related questions: Why doesn’t the Bible tell us about the four hundred years before the New Testament? What happened between the Old and New Testaments?

Why Was Jesus Born In A Stinky Stable?

Answer: God sent his own Son, Jesus, when the time was right. Jesus’ birth tells us the kind of Savior he is.

At the time Jesus was born, the Roman ruler of Palestine (where the Jews lived – Israel’s Promised Land) was Herod, an evil man.

Herod had great forts and palaces built so he could feel safe and powerful. One of the huge forts was right outside Bethlehem.

But Jesus – the true king and ruler of the universe came to earth and was born in a stinky stable.

Herod’s kingdom and power were very temporary; he’s dead and his buildings are in ruins.

But Jesus’ kingdom and power last forever. So one reason Jesus was born in such a place was to show us that he and his ways are the opposite of the world’s.

Jesus’ kingdom doesn’t come by force but by God working in each person. Jesus’ birth in a stable also lets us know that he came for all people, not just the rich and famous.

Key verses: And while (Joseph and Mary) were there, the time came for her baby to be born. So she gave birth to her first child, a son.

She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger. This was because there was no room for them in the village inn. (Luke 2:6-7)

Related verses: Luke 2:1-7, 11-12; Philippians 2:5-7

Related questions: Did Mary have other babies, too? How could Mary have her baby without going to the hospital?

Note to parents: Children may ask the related question, “How could Mary have a baby if she wasn’t married to God?”

The best answer is, “I don’t know.” Exactly how Mary conceived is a mystery. Jesus was unique – the only Son of God. Jesus’ birth was a miracle.


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