What Should You Do If Someone Lies To You?

What Should You Do If Someone Lies To You?

Answer: How you respond to a lie depends on who it affects. A friend might lie and say, “I shot twenty free throws in a row without missing.”

That kind of lie doesn’t need any response (in fact, saying nothing is probably best). But if a class partner shows up to give a report with you and says, “I’m all ready” and isn’t, that will affect both of you and the class.

Or if someone lies to an adult about a situation you were involved in, that will affect both of you and possibly others. In cases like that, you need to respond in some way.

In other words, you can ignore some made-up stories or exaggerations. At other times, however, you should tell the person telling the lie that what he or she is saying just isn’t true.

This is important when the lie will hurt someone, such as making up a bad story about someone at school, cheating in class, or telling something that isn’t true to get money from someone or to get that person to do something wrong.

With very serious lies, you should tell an adult. In these situations, someone could get in big trouble or get hurt badly.

Key verse: Brothers, do you know what to do if a Christian is overcome by sin? You who are godly should humbly help him back onto the right path.

Remember that next time it might be one of you who sins. (Galatians 6:1)

Related verses: Romans 14:16; Ephesians 5:11; Colossians 3:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 3:13; 10:24

Is It Ok To Keep Secrets From Your Friends?

Answer: Most of the time it is all right to keep secrets. Telling the truth doesn’t mean that we have to tell everything we know to everyone who asks.

Sometimes secrets can be fun, like with birthday presents or other pleasant surprises. Sometimes secrets are important because it’s better for you not to give out certain information to just anyone.

We should not keep something a secret if it means that someone will get hurt or get into serious trouble.

For example, a boy might say that he is going to beat up another kid, or a girl might say that she’s going to steal something from a store.

In those cases, we should tell someone who can help-perhaps a parent, a teacher, a coach, a youth leader, or a school counselor.

Be careful not to promise to keep a secret before you hear what it is. Whether you tell or not should depend on what the secret is.

Key verse: Don’t tell your secrets to a gossip unless you want them broadcast to the world. (Proverbs 20:19)

Related verses: Proverbs 11:13; 27:6; Matthew 6:3-6

Related question: What do you do when a friend does something you know will hurt them and they said not to tell?

Note to parents: Encourage your child to tell you if they hear something from a friend that will hurt someone or lead to serious trouble.

Let your child know that telling secrets to people who can help in those situations is part of being a good friend.

On the other hand, don’t encourage “tattling.” A tattletale runs and tells adults insignificant things in order to get what they want out of a problem that they could have resolved themselves.

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