What Should I Do If Someone Cheats Me?

What Should I Do If Someone Cheats Me?

Answer: If you are playing a sport like soccer and some- one on the other team does something like kick the ball when it’s out of bounds, let the referee deal with it.

Don’t call the player a cheater or argue with the referee. Be careful about saying that someone cheated you just because you lost a game. Maybe you lost fair and square.

If you are playing a game that has no referees, like a board game, and someone continues to cheat, you can tell the person that he or she is not playing fairly.

Be sure to keep your cool and explain that cheating is wrong and that the game isn’t fun when people cheat.

If the person doesn’t listen or continues to cheat, you don’t have to keep playing.

If an adult cheats you out of money at a store, you should tell your parents and let them deal with it.

Sometimes, no one can help. Then it might be better just to accept the wrong and trust God to work it out OK.

Key verse: Don’t get into needless fights. (Proverbs 3:30)

Related verses: Psalm 35: 1-28; Luke 3: 14; 1 Corinthians 6:7

Note to parents: If your children are complaining about someone who cheats, encourage them to pray for that person.

Ask that God will show that person why cheating is wrong and why it doesn’t help.

Why Is It Wrong To Steal Things?

Answer: God is honest and true. Taking what doesn’t belong to you goes against God’s nature.

That is why stealing is wrong. God wants us to give to others, to help them, and to trust him to provide what we need.

Sometimes people steal because they want something (such as a bike, a tape player, or money) so badly that they will do anything to get it.

Some people steal because they feel desperate. People who steal show that they don’t trust God very much.

God loves us and will never allow us to get into a situation where we have to steal something. He will provide what we need.

When you steal, you hurt God and yourself as much as you hurt the other person.

You ignore and miss out on God’s provision, get a bad reputation, and make other people feel like stealing from you.

So you see, God really has our best interests in mind when he tells us not to steal.

Key verse: You must not steal. (Exodus 20:15)

Related verses: Matthew 6:25-34; Ephesians 4:28; Philippians 4:19; James 4:2

Is It Ok To Steal Something Back From Someone Who Stole It From You?

Answer: No. Stealing is always wrong. Be careful about accusing people of stealing.

You may think someone stole something from you when he or she really didn’t.

If you are pretty sure that someone stole something from you, politely ask the person about the item.

Perhaps you are wrong and the person only has something that looks like yours.

If you go and take it back, you may end up taking something that really doesn’t belong to you. Then you will be guilty of stealing!

If someone actually did take something from you, it’s better to ask the person about it than to make an accusation of stealing, even if the item has your name on it.

You could say something like: “I see you found my pen.

Thank you for finding it.” Always assume the best of the other person’s motives.

If you catch someone stealing from you or you know that this person has been stealing from a lot of kids, first talk to the person about it.

If that doesn’t seem to help, then talk to an adult — a parent or teacher – about the problem.

Key verses: Never pay back evil for evil. Do things in a way that everyone can see you are honest.

Don’t argue with anyone. Be at peace with everyone as much as you can. (Romans 12:17-18)

Related verses: Exodus 20: 15-16; Proverbs 3:30; Romans 2:21; 1 Corinthians 6:7; Ephesians 4:28

Note to parents: Handling a suspicion of stealing this way places the emphasis where it should be-on making friends instead of hurting people and making enemies.

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