What Is A Conscience?

What Is A Conscience?

Answer: God has built into us a way of helping us tell right from wrong. We call this inner voice our conscience, and we need to learn to listen to it.

It’s a feeling inside about something we are thinking about doing. If what we are thinking about doing is not right, then our conscience can make us feel bad about it and give us the sense that we should not do it.

Our conscience can also tell us when we should do something. When it does that, we get a strong sense that we should do what we’re thinking about.

God gave us our conscience to help us decide what to do. So it’s important for us to listen to our con- science.

If we don’t listen to our conscience, pretty soon we get into the habit of ignoring it. After a while we won’t hear it at all. That can lead to trouble. Listen carefully to your conscience.

Key verse: Because of this, I try to keep my conscience clean before God and man. (Acts 24:16)

Related verses: 1 Peter 3:16; Romans 2:15; 1 Corinthians 4:4

Related question: Once I know what’s right, do I have to do it?

Note to parents: Be careful not to associate the conscience only with guilty feelings. The best decisions for what is right and good come out of a firm conviction and desire to do right, not out of a desire to silence a guilty conscience.

When discussing the conscience with kids, emphasize the positive role it can have.

The more we read and study God’s Word, the more our conscience can help us choose to do right.

Do I Have To Let Little Kids In My Room To Play When I Have Special Stuff?

Answer: Maybe. God is loving and kind, so he wants us to be loving and kind, too, not stingy and selfish.

If friends, brothers or sisters, or small children want to play with your toys, you should let them if it’s safe and OK with their parents.

Sometimes we act as if our toys, clothes, and other belongings are more important than our friends and family.

But it’s good to take turns and to let other people enjoy our “special stuff.” When we do that, people will be able to see that we are different from people who don’t love Jesus.

On the other hand, God wants us to be responsible, too. Although God is loving and kind, he would not give us something that would hurt us.

You don’t have to let little kids do whatever they want with your things, especially if your special stuff is fragile or too hard for little kids to use right.

Everybody should take good care of their things, and everyone should respect everyone else’s things.

Try to let other kids have a turn with your stuff whenever you can, and when you can’t, be kind about it and make sure you have a good reason.

Key verse: Love is very patient and kind. It is never jealous or envious. It never boasts or is proud. (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Related verses: Galatians 5:22; James 4:17

Related question: Is it right to stand up for your rights?

Note to parents: This touches on the issue of sharing. Place the emphasis on taking turns rather than on sharing; children will more easily understand what you’re asking them to do.

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