What Is A Bible?

What is a bible?

Answer: The Bible is God’s message to us. Actually, the Bible is not just one book, but a collection of many books that have been put together.

It came to be called the Book because it is so important because it is God’s book. (The word Bible means book.) The Bible serves as an instruction manual for living God’s way; it tells us what’s right and what’s wrong.

It has many stories and lessons that he wants us to know. The Bible tells us about God and Jesus and how we are supposed to live. You can look in the Bible to find out what God wants you to do.

Key verse: Your words are a lamp to light the path ahead of me. They keep me from stumbling and falling. (Psalm 119:105)

Related verses: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:16-21

Related questions: What does the word Bible mean? Why are there sixty-six books? Why would God want to invent a Bible?

Did the bible stories really happen, or are they like fairy tales?

Answer: The stories in the Bible really happened. Some of the events seem amazing to us because they’re miracles, but they still happened.

We know that the stories are true because the Bible is God’s Word, and God wouldn’t lie to us or fool us. The Bible also says that every word in it is true.

Some people don’t believe the Bible because they haven’t read it. Some don’t believe it because they don’t think miracles can happen.

Others don’t believe because they don’t want to; they don’t want to learn about God and do what he tells them to do.

But we know that God can do anything, and he’s the best one to tell us how to live. We should pray for those who don’t believe the Bible or who think it’s full of fairy tales.

Key verse: All these things happened to them as examples to us. They warn us not to do the same things. They were written so we could learn from them as the world nears its end. (1 Corinthians 10:11)

Related verses: Luke 1:1-4; John 20:29; 21:24-25; 1 John 1:1-4

Related questions: How do we know that what the Bible says is true? How do we know the Bible stories are true? Why do some people think the Bible isn’t real?

Why don’t some people believe the Bible? Are the stories about Jesus true?

Note to parents: This question presents a good opportunity to take out a Bible and look at it together.

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