What Did Adam And Eve “Dress” The Land With?

What did adam and eve “dress” the land with?

Answer: The word dress that is used in some Bible versions means “take care of” or “tend.” So when God told Adam and Eve to “dress” the land, he was telling them to take care of the rest of his creation.

Key verse: And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Genesis 2:15, KJV)

Related verses: Genesis 18:7; Deuteronomy 28:39; 2 Samuel 12:4

Note to parents: This kind of question is a good example of why it is important to choose an age- appropriate translation of the Bible for your child. There are many excellent translations from which to choose. The best one for your child is the one that uses words that he or she already knows.

How did god make everyone else after adam and eve?

Answer: When God created animals and plants, he gave them the ability to reproduce themselves. The same is true with Adam and Eve – God created them with the ability to make babies. Adam and Eve had babies; then, when those children grew up, they got married and also had children. Those children also grew up and had babies. As time went on, there were more and more people on the earth. And although God didn’t make each person the same way he created Adam and Eve, he was still involved with the creation of each one, watching over and putting him or her (and you) together just right.

Key Verse: Then Adam lay with Eve his wife. She conceived and gave birth to a son, Cain (meaning “I have created”). For, as she said, “With God’s help, I have created a man!” Her next child was his brother, Abel. Abel became a shepherd. Cain was a farmer. (Genesis 4:1-2) RELATED VERSES: Genesis 1:28; 5:1-18; 6:1; Psalm 139: 13-18; Ezekiel 36:11; Hebrews 6:14

Related questions: Did God make me the same way he made Adam? Did Eve have a belly button?

Note to parents: Many parents avoid this issue because they are uncomfortable talking about sex. Don’t communicate nonverbally that this is a dirty or embarrassing topic. But at the same time, don’t give children more information than they want or need.

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