What Are Demons?

What are demons?

Answer: Like the devil, demons are bad angels. They followed Satan when he turned against God. Demons are spiritual beings who work and fight against God. Demons are Satan’s helpers.

There is only one devil, but there are thousands of demons. They are all over the world, trying to keep people from following Christ and obeying God. But God is more powerful than all the demons and the devil put together.

God will keep us safe from demons as we trust in him. At the end of time, all demons will be thrown into the Lake of Fire with the devil.

Key verse: [Jesus is speaking] “Then I will turn to those on my left. I will say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones. Go into the fire prepared for the devil and his demons.” (Matthew 25:41)

Related verses: Mark 5:9-13; Luke 4:41; 11:15; Revelation 18:2

Note to parents: The related verses show that demons are active in the world.

Will I Ever Get A Demon?

Answer: It’s easy to get the idea from watching television and hearing kids talk that demons can take over people’s lives whenever they want. But that’s not true. It is true that some people have demons in them.

But demons can only enter people who let them and who are not close to God. And never forget, God is much more powerful than Satan or any of the demons. He can protect us.

Key verses: When the 70 disciples came back, they gave [Jesus] a joyful report. They said, “Even the demons obey us when we use your name.” “Yes,” he told them. “I saw Satan falling from Heaven like a flash of light! I have given you the power to walk among snakes and scorpions.

And I have given you authority over the power of the Enemy. Nothing shall hurt you! But don’t be full of joy because the demons obey you. Be full of joy because your names are written in Heaven.” (Luke 10:17-20)

Related verses: Matthew 10:7-8; Romans 8:38-39


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