Should I Tell The Truth To Someone Even If They Won’t Like It?

Should I Tell The Truth To Someone Even If They Won’t Like It?

Answer: You should strive to tell the truth, even if it hurts, but never just to be cruel. Here are a few examples to help you decide how to do that.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but we still need to say it. Imagine that a friend asks you to a party. You can’t go, but you don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings.

So you say yes, or you don’t say anything and let her think you will be there.

Even though your friend will feel bad that you can’t come to the party, it would be much better to tell her the truth right away.

Another time you need to tell the unpleasant truth is when a friend is getting into trouble. That friend might be starting to hang around with bad kids.

Being a good friend means telling your friend the truth. That friend may not like what you have to say, but it’s the truth, and he or she needs to hear it from you.

Being honest and truthful, however, does not give us permission to be cruel. Remember, God is loving and kind.

So we shouldn’t tell people things that will hurt their feelings just because those things are true.

It would be cruel, for example, to tell someone, “You have a big nose,” or, “You don’t play basketball very well,” or, “Your house sure needs to be painted,” or, “Your clothes are old and worn out.”

Key verse: We will lovingly follow the truth at all times. We will speak truly, deal truly, and live truly.

So we will become more in every way like Christ. He is the Head of his body, the Church. (Ephesians 4:15)

Related verses: 2 5amuel12:1-12; 2 Kings 5:1-14; Proverbs 27:6

If You Don’t Like Something A Person Wears And They Ask You If You Like It, Are You Supposed To Tell Them The Truth?

Answer: We are not supposed to lie, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be mean or hurtful about what we say.

We need to learn tact. Tact is telling the truth in a nice way, even if it’s hard for the other person to take.

For example, suppose you think a person’s new coat is ugly. You don’t have to say, “I hate that ugly coat!” You can think of something good about it, like, “It looks nice and warm.”

Practice saying what you think in ways that respect people’s feelings.

Key verse: We will lovingly follow the truth at all times. We will speak truly, deal truly, and live truly.

So we will become more in every way like Christ. He is the Head of his body, the Church. (Ephesians 4:15)

Related verse: Luke 6:31

Related question: Is it OK to lie to people about how they look just to be nice?

Note to parents: This may be the time to explain the difference between lying and being tactful. Lying is an attempt to deceive or to trick someone.

Tact is an attempt to be kind in the delivery of a truth that may offend someone. Also, teach your child not to go to the other extreme: Flattery is equally wrong-and can be itself a form of lying.

We should never lie just because it will make someone feel good. Rather, we should always deliver the truth in a loving way.

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