PSALM 23 Prayer – Restore Me

Restore Me

David recognises that the task of God is not only external to him, but also internal. I am unequivocally convinced that we are unable to claim the possessions that God has for us until we are prepared to undergo a transformation.

It is unwise to assume that your readiness to depart Egypt inevitably qualifies you for entry into the promised land.

The Israelites were not able to reach the promised land in a matter of days because God was preparing them for it.

Regrettably, the majority of them were unaware that their voyage was intended to effect change in their lives. The desert and the nations they were required to combat were designed to disclose the depths of their being.

They chose to complain rather than confront their deficiencies. They expressed dissatisfaction with the cuisine, the water, and all other aspects.

They became impatient and established a new deity for themselves while Moses was conversing with deity at the summit of the mountain. They were not at fault; it was this individual, Moses, who was simply taking an excessive amount of time.

They complained that God intended to kill them when they ran out of sustenance. They consistently identify an individual or entity to blame; however, they neglect to examine their very core.

I have consistently encountered this blame-shifting attitude as one of the most significant obstacles when counselling couples. Typically, one partner is unwilling to modify their stance.

They maintain that it is not they who are to be altered. Do you ever consider that the situation you are currently experiencing could serve as an opportunity for you to engage in introspection? Is it conceivable that the thing that injures you could ever be beneficial?

What frustrates and inconveniences you is indicative of the internal wound you are carrying? Is it a stretch to believe that God has permitted your circumstances in order to reveal your troubled soul and initiate the healing process?

The issue with many of us is that we are unwilling to acknowledge the potential that lies within us. We are afraid of exposing the wrath, hatred, low self-esteem, self-hatred, and bitterness that we have so meticulously concealed.

We blame someone every time God provides us with an opportunity to address our waste. We are unable to tolerate the spouse, find fault with the employer, or simply cannot get along with the hypocrite at the church.

It is consistently the responsibility of another individual, but it is never ours. This is the reason we are perpetually transitioning from one situation to another, but we never truly make any progress.

Hahaha… we are exactly the same as the Israelites, who were evading the promised land by transitioning from one challenge to another.

He believed that the solution to his problems was to flee.

The time of famine in the land and Isaac wanted to run to the other place

In any case, God informed him that he was not going to leave, so he should remain in place. You must confront this catastrophe head-on.

How many of us believe that the solution to our problems is to flee from them? Many of us are of the opinion that it is sufficient to exchange employment, spouses, or churches.

This is predicated on the notion that the culprit is someone else, rather than you. Isaac is now instructed by God to remain in the land that I will demonstrate to him, and I will accompany him.

In terms of humanity, I am curious as to how many individuals abandoned God in order to flee their circumstances. God is in the process of restoring you; all you must do is learn to confront your anxieties and circumstances.

I would like to conclude by concentrating briefly on your essence. No experience that you have encountered has not become an integral component of your identity.

Everything from touching the furnace when you were very young to being betrayed by a very close friend in high school has become a part of you.

The perceptions and thoughts you hold regarding yourself are solely a consequence of your life experiences. I will provide you with an example.

You may be reflecting on your appearance and feeling that you are unworthy, unattractive, or that you will never achieve success in life or any endeavour.

These are not arbitrary notions; they are derived from your personal experiences. All of these experiences are stored in a storage facility known as the psyche. I am not interested in overwhelming you with the intricacies of the psyche; instead, I conduct a three-day seminar on this topic.

Currently, your consciousness is undergoing the processing of all information. Any new information that enters your life must be consistent with the information stored in the soul; otherwise, it will be denied.

For instance, if you harbour the belief that you are unworthy, you will ultimately reside in a shack with a schoolgirl, despite the fact that you marry the most attractive woman in the world and construct a mansion.

This is due to the fact that the consciousness has retained that information. I consistently state that if you are under the impression that you are a dog, you will immediately flee to the trash can as soon as the door is opened, even if we allow you to slumber in the house.

Now, if you have been perplexed as to why an individual studies so diligently and subsequently finds themselves hauling wheelbarrows for the shebeen queen, you can put an end to your inquisition. Your life is limited by the capacity of your soul.

I have observed individuals accumulate wealth and then deplete it at an alarming rate. A soul that is disorganised will result in a disorganised existence.

This is the reason why “He restores my soul!” God is returning your essence to its original state when He restores it.

He is guiding you to a state in which you have a greater sense of self-worth, affection, respect, and confidence.

In order for God to restore your soul, you must be prepared to be vulnerable. It is imperative that you are prepared to detect aspects of yourself that you may not wish to acknowledge.

I can recall numerous experiences and circumstances that have occurred in my existence. Nevertheless, I would like to share this one with you. I am a diminutive individual, and all of my acquaintances were taller than I am.

Consequently, I was consistently the last to be selected. I was a proficient football player; however, my height necessitated that I remain outside and observe individuals who were unable to participate in order to preserve their lives.

Girls selected the other men, and if there is any remaining, I will be automatically hers. I was the sole individual remaining; I was not selected. This caused me to become increasingly convinced that I was unworthy and unacceptable.

The issue with this approach is that you inevitably resort to utilising everything to either substantiate your assertion or to convince yourself that you are deserving. Ultimately, you accomplish commendable tasks for the incorrect reasons.

You purchase expensive clothing to enhance your self-esteem. To achieve a sense of accomplishment, you acquire costly automobiles. I recall praying for the church to expand a few years ago.

I was reminded of God’s inquiry regarding my purpose. It was only then that I came to the realisation that I desired the church to expand in order to demonstrate my virtue.

In order for Him to restore you, you must be prepared to acknowledge the presence of wrath, pride, jealousy, bitterness, and envy within you. These are the attributes that we are unwilling to acknowledge.

Concurrently, these are the factors that are preventing us from moving forward. It is important to recall that the Israelites were required to remain in the same location for a period of forty years. They continued to engage in the same conflicts.

It is imperative to recognise that you have not made any progress when you observe yourself perpetually engaged in the same conflicts. Progress is impossible if the battle is the same, regardless of its name.

You did not make any progress when the first one was referred to as John, the second one as Peter, the third as Mark, and the present one as Clive.

You are experiencing issues with males or relationships, and they are recurring under a different name.

This is the manner in which I pray this section: I repeat the words of David, “Search me, O God, and see if there is anything offensive in me.”

Jesus Greatfullness

Cleanse me and purify me. Show me the areas in my life that are going to hold me back. Expose any feeling that I have hidden and protected and that I am constantly ignoring and defending. Heal me of any hurt that I feel.

Help me overcome the experiences that I have had this week. Restore that which was stolen in the process. Restore that which was broken in the process and restore that which was destroyed in the process.’

When you pray this part you will have to be attentive to what is going on in you. There is going to be a lot of resistance.

Don’t just go through the words, do serious business with God when you get here. Take your time. The enemy will not want you to be set free and be restored.

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