Is Kissing Wrong?

Is Kissing Wrong?

Answer: Kissing isn’t wrong. Many family members kiss each other. In some countries, friends kiss each other on the cheek when they say hello.

And husbands and wives also often kiss each other. Kissing is one way that people can show love and affection to the people who are important to them.

Key Verses: {Jesus] turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Look! See this woman kneeling here! When I came to your home, you didn’t offer me water to wash the dust from my feet.

But she has washed them with her tears. And she wiped them off with her hair. You did not give me the customary kiss of greeting.

But she has kissed my feet from the time I first came in.  2 (Luke 7:44-45)

Related question: Is it wrong to go out with boys before I’m sixteen?

Note to parents: Many children try to copy what they see on TV, where kissing happens often.

They may be confused and think that kissing is the cool way to express love (or “like”) to someone.

That’s why a boy will sneak up on a girl, kiss her on the cheek, and run away.

When young children ask about kissing, take time to explain its proper place and purpose.

Whydoihave To Obey My Parents?

Answer: The most important reason for children to obey their parents is that God said to.

God knows that children need protection and guidance, and parents are the best ones to provide that.

Parents take care of their children, give them food and other things they need, and teach them how to know right from wrong.

Living God’s way means listening to him and doing what he says, and that includes obeying Mom and Dad.

Obeying your parents is the best way for you to learn and grow now and to have a better life in the future.

Key verses: Children, obey your parents. This is the right thing to do. Honor your father and mother.

This is the first of God’s Ten Commandments that ends with a promise.

The promise is that you will have a long life, full of blessing. (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Related Verses: Exodus 20:12; Romans 13:1-7; Colossians 3:20

Related questions: Is it wrong for me to argue with my parents? Is it all right to go across the street to your friend’s house when your parents want you to do your homework?

Note to parents: Don’t use authority to justify different standards for yourself unless you have a very good reason beyond just the fact that “you’re in charge.”

On the other hand, don’t be surprised if your child resists your rules, because kids will protest their parents’ dedsions no matter how loving and wise they are.

To minimize the hassles, always have a good reason for the rules you enforce.

Is It Wrong To Put My Fingers In My Ears So I Can’t Hear My Parents?

Answer: Some children think that if they can’t hear their parents, they don’t have to do what their parents tell them.

But God tells us to honor our parents, not just obey them. That means treating them with respect.

When we respect our parents, we look at them when they talk to us, and we listen carefully to what they say – we don’t try to plug our ears or ignore them.

It also means having a good attitude and not talking back. Listening to your parents doesn’t just make them feel good-it’s for your good. God loves you and wants the best for you.

Key Verse: Honor your father and mother. Do this that you may have a long, good life in the land the Lord your God will give you. (Exodus 20:12)

Related Verses: Deuteronomy 5:16; Luke 6:31

Related questions: Is it wrong to give my parents dirty looks when they’re yelling at me? Is it wrong to ignore my parents when they talk if I don’t want to listen?

Note to parents: Don’t fall into the trap of yelling to get a child’s attention. Often obedience comes more easily if you explain why they are to obey, as well as what you want them to do.

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