Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus god?

Answer: Jesus is fully God. When he came to earth and was born of the Virgin Mary, Jesus also became a human being, a person like you. So Jesus is both God and man. As God, Jesus has always existed – he was not created when he was born. Instead, he willingly chose to take on a human body.

Key verses: Before anything else existed, there was God’s Son. He was the Word, and he was with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. (John 1:1-2)

Related verses: John 1:14; 14:9; Colossians 1:15-18

Related question: Did God create Jesus?

How can god be three persons and one person at the same time?

Answer: We don’t know how God can be three persons at the same time, but we know he is because the Bible tells us so. The idea of three in one (the Trinity) is very hard to understand.

Some people use the example of water. Water can be a liquid, a gas, or a solid. We usually see water in liquid form, as when we use it for drinking or for taking a bath. But water can also be a gas, as when it turns to steam.

And it can be a solid, in the form of ice. But whether liquid, gas, or solid, it’s still water. In some ways God is like a family with father, mother, and child-three persons and one family. Just remember that the Trinity does not mean that we have three gods.

There is one God with three persons. The Trinity also does not mean that God wears three hats, or takes on three roles, at different times. All three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-have always existed.

Key verse: [Jesus is speaking] “So now go and make disciples in all the nations. Baptize them into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

Related verse: Matthew 3:16-17; John 14:7, 9-10

Related question: Why are there three people in the Trinity?

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