Is It Wrong To Watch Music Videos?

Is It Wrong To Watch Music Videos?

Answer: It’s not wrong to watch television, listen to the wrong radio, watch videos, or listen to music. But God wants us to be wise about what we put into our minds.

A lot of the stuff on TV, in movies, in videos, and on talk radio is not good. In fact, often the people on them use bad language, do bad things, and make it look as if sinning is the right thing to do.

That’s a lie. We know that God wants us to do what is right, not wrong. He doesn’t want us to disobey him. So we should be very careful about what we watch and listen to.

Many music videos are not good. Seeing and hearing bad videos is like eating garbage. It’s bad for us, won’t help us grow, and will make us sick.

Instead, we should fill our minds with pictures, words, and thoughts that honor God.

Key verse: And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say one more thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.

Think about things that are pure and lovely. Dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. (Philippians 4.8)

Related verse: Ephesians 5:11

Related questions: Why are some music videos so stupid? Why is it wrong to watch music videos?

Note to parents: Beware of making a sweeping statement against music videos. Some Christian musicians make music videos.

Beware of making sweeping statements against anything in youth culture. As you and your children confront new challenges, learn to compare them to God’s standards.

Why Do Some People Make Music With Bad Words?

Answer: Some music writers and performers have no hope and don’t love God, so they write and sing angry and hateful songs.

Other music has bad words because the writers and singers want to shock the listeners, to get their attention.

Because these musicians don’t love God, they think it’s all right to use shocking language.

Much of the time, however, music has bad words because the writers, singers, producers, and stores want to make money.

Unfortunately, that kind of music sells, so they keep making the bad songs. Don’t buy music that has swearing or a false message about life.

If a bad song comes on the radio, change the station. Don’t fill your mind with garbage.

Key verses: People who long to be rich do all kinds of wrong things for money. They do things that hurt them and make them evil-minded.

Finally, these things send them to hell itself. The love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin.

Some people have even turned away from God because of their love for it. As a result they have pierced themselves with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:9- 10)

Related verses: Proverbs 4:24; Ephesians 4:29; Philippians 4:8

Related questions: Why do people make music about the highway to hell? Why do people swear?

Note To Parents: Music itself isn’t bad. It’s a good thing that some people corrupt. Help your children find music they can enjoy listening to that doesn’t violate God’s standards.

Is It Ok To Listen To Bad Music Groups If You Don’t Listen To The Words?

Answer: Trying to listen to bad songs without hearing the words would be like trying to watch a video with your eyes closed.

It can’t be done. Even if you aren’t concentrating on the words, you still hear them and they affect your thoughts.

Also, imagine what others would think of you if they saw and heard you listening to music that they know is bad.

They probably would wonder what kind of Christian you were. Also, buying and listening to music supports the musicians who perform it, and you don’t want to support the bad groups.

But not all music is bad! Many songs are fun to listen to, and they have good words. Fill your mind with what is good-do everything to the glory of God.

Trust that the things God approves are the best for you. He loves you!

Key verse: You must do everything for God’s glory, even your eating and drinking. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Related verses: Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8

 Related questions: Is it wrong to listen to secular music? Is it wrong to listen to secular music if you read the lyrics and they aren’t that bad?

Note to parents: Music matters a great deal to most older kids and to their relationships.

It’s OK to limit what your children can listen to, but it will be more effective to steer kids instead of blocking them.

In other words, when you say that they can’t listen to a certain group, suggest alternatives.

Don’t give them the impression that the only good music is the stuff that you listen to (or listened to when you were their age).

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