Is It Wrong To Stop Telling My Friends About Jesus Even When They Won’t Listen?

Is It Wrong To Stop Telling My Friends About Jesus Even When They Won’t Listen?

Answer: It is good that you want to tell your friends about Jesus, but it is also good to respect them as people.

Sometimes your friends won’t seem interested. And sometimes, they may tell you that they don’t want to talk about it anymore.

When that happens, you need to respect their wishes and stop talking a lot about it.

This doesn’t mean that they won’t learn about Jesus from you. You can always share about what God is doing in your life.

And, most important of all, you can live like a Christian. Your friends will notice that you are loving and kind and that you don’t do bad things. They will see Jesus in you.

Key verses: Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all. Let your good deeds glow for all to see. That way they will praise your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:15-16)

Related verse: Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Related question: Why are some kids embarrassed about believing in Jesus?

Note to parents: Teach your children how to share their faith, but don’t put pressure on them to witness.

God wants us to live out our faith and to share experiences as well as the facts. You can pray together with your children for opportunities to tell people about Jesus.

If Some Of My Friends Are Doing Something That I Think Is Bad, Should I Tell My Parents?

Answer: Yes. It is good to be able to share with your parents what is going on in your life, especially the things that bother you.

It is also good to ask for their advice on what to do in certain situations. And if kids are doing something that will hurt themselves or someone else, then definitely tell your parents.

They will know what to do to help.

Don’t forget, though, that you yourself can speak with your friends about what they’re doing.

When you tell your parents, you can tell about what your friends are doing; then explain what you are going to do.

Don’t expect Mom or Dad to jump in every time and come to your rescue.

And finally, don’t just tell about the bad things that kids are doing.

Tell your mom and dad about the good that your friends do, too.

Key verse: Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness. Instead, rebuke them and bring them out into the light. (Ephesians 5:11)

Related verses: Proverbs 10:17-18; 1 Timothy 5:20

Related questions: If someone is picking on my brother, is it OK to defend him? When is it right to tell on other kids?

Note to parents: Value honesty. Don’t overreact if kids tell you about things that surprise you. (Otherwise they may be less likely to share in the future.)

Is It Ok To Think That You Are Better Than Somebody Else If You Really Are Better?

Answer: Be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking of yourself as better. Who says you are better? Sometimes we believe that we are better than we are, and we become filled with pride. Be realistic about yourself, and humble, too.

Remember that all of your abilities and talents are gifts from God. And all of us, even it we’re good at something, need to depend on God. Remember that your relationship with God is most important.

There is nothing wrong with being glad that you did a good job at something-singing a solo, scoring points in a game, getting good grades, or being honest, for example.

It’s OK to feel good about yourself and to have confidence in what you do. You don’t have to pretend that you aren’t good or apologize for being good.

But don’t compare yourself to others or think of yourself as better than they are.

When someone pays you a compliment, say, “Thank you.” Just remember that you may be a better basketball player, but that doesn’t make you a better person.

Key verses: I am God’s messenger. So I want to give each of you God’s warning. Be honest when you think about yourself.

Measure your value by how much faith God has given you. There are many parts to our bodies. It is the same with Christ’s body. (Romans 12:3-4)

Related verses: Luke 18:9-14; James 4:6, 10

Related question: What does it mean to be humble?

Note to parents: Humility is a key part of developing healthy self-esteem. When your child feels down, offer affirmation.

When your child feels inappropriate pride, remind him or her that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23).

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