Is It Wrong To Hate People If They’re Nerds?

Is It Wrong To Hate People If They’re Nerds?

Answer: Yes. Some people are given names like nerd or jerk for no good reason. Instead of believing the bad things we hear about others, we should think the best of them and try to get to know them.

Even when we meet people who really are “jerks”-who say bad things and are mean to us – we should not hate them or be mean back to them.

God wants us to be loving and kind to others. So we shouldn’t hurt others or make fun of them.

Key verses: There is a saying, “Love your friends and hate your enemies.” But I [Jesus] say love your enemies, too! Pray for those who treat you badly! (Matthew 5:43-44)

Related verses: Matthew 5:21-22; Luke 6:27-35; Romans 12:17-21

Related questions: Is it OK to make fun of someone from a different country? Why does someone feel hurt when I laugh at them?

Note to parents: This touches on the issue of prejudice. You need to teach your child to respect all people regardless of race, nationality, religion, or economic class.

God created diversity among people; there is no need for us to judge some good and some bad.

Set the example: Avoid saying negative or stereotypical things about groups or classes of people.

Is It Ok To Stay Up Late On School Nights If Your Friends do?

Answer: What your friends do does not determine what is wrong and right. Every family has its own rules.

It is important for you to obey your parents. So if your parents tell you to go to bed at a certain time, do it, no matter what your friends do.

God has given the responsibility of raising you to your parents, not to your friends.

Your parents have a good reason for not wanting you to stay up late on a school night: You will be sleepy the next day, so you won’t do your best in school.

Mom and Dad know that, so they insist that you get your rest. They know how important it is for you to do well in school.

Sometimes your parents may let you stay up late, like at a sleep-over at a friend’s house on a weekend.

So it wouldn’t be wrong in that situation. But still it may not be the smartest thing to do, especially if you try to stay up all night.

It’s not good for you. Use your head and get the sleep you need.

Key verse: Don’t copy the world. Be a different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn how his ways will really satisfy you. (Romans 12:2)

Related verses: Exodus 20:12; Colossians 3:20

Related questions: Is it OK to follow what your friends do? How do you deal with peer pressure and still follow the Bible?

Note To Parents: When your children start using the excuse, “But all my friends get to do that,” remind them of the reason and the reward for doing the right thing.

Encourage your children to set a good example, not copy whatever others do.

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