Is It Ok To Say You Tagged Someone In Tag When You Really Didn’t?

Is It Ok To Say You Tagged Someone In Tag When You Really Didn’t?

Answer: Saying that you tagged someone in a game when you didn’t would be lying. God says that lying is wrong.

Actually, cheating is always lying and always wrong, even in a fun game like tag.

Rules make a game fun. If there were no rules, then no one would know how to play, and you wouldn’t know who won or lost.

Think of how silly it would be if, in tag, everyone tagged everyone else all the time. It wouldn’t be any fun and certainly wouldn’t be tag.

In a good game, all the players follow the rules. Breaking the rules ruins the game.

This is more important than most people realize. The Bible says that if you are true and honest in “small matters,” you will be true and honest in important ones.

If you cheat in simple games, you may make cheating a habit in your life. Be honest in everything you do, even playing tag.

Key verse: Unless you are honest in small matters, you won’t be in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater things. (Luke 16:10)

Related verses: Leviticus 19:35-36; 1 Samuel 8:1-3; Proverbs 11:1;20:23; Matthew 25:14-30; 1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:7

Related question: Is it right if I cheat at something?

Note to parents: Encourage your children to take the smallest opportunities to be honest and fair.

This will make it easier to be honest whenever a harder situation comes along, and it will make it easier for others to trust them in other matters.

Is It Ok To Cheat At A Game When The Game Is Called Cheat And That’s What You’re Supposed To Do?

Answer: It is too bad that this game is called Cheat, because it gives the idea that cheating is all right.

Cheating is wrong because it’s lying. When you are playing a game, no matter what it is called, you should play by the rules of the game.

A game might call for players to make up stories about themselves, then people try to see which stories are true and which ones are false.

That’s not lying, because it’s a game and everyone knows that the stories are made up. Even in a game like that, you should play by the rules.

Games with funny rules can be fun. For example, you and your friends might want to make up new rules for a game of baseball in the snow.

As long as everyone understands the rules and follows them, you can have a fun game. It will be different from regular baseball, but that’s OK because everyone will be playing by the new rules.

You don’t have to play every game. Some games are bad and can cause harm.

Some games might make you do something that is wrong or something you know your parents would not approve of.

In other words, play by the rules of every game unless it breaks God’s rules!

Key verse: The Lord hates cheating and loves honesty. (Proverbs 11:1)

Related verses: Deuteronomy 25:16; Hosea 12:7

Note to parents: As a practical matter, make sure everyone understands the rules when you’re playing a game. That way you can head off arguments about cheating.

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