Is It All Right To Tell A Lie Once In A While?

Is It All Right To Tell A Lie Once In A While?

Answer: We should always tell the truth because God always tells the truth. Would it be all right to touch a hot stove every once in a while?

If you did, you would burn yourself every time. It is never right to lie, not even once in a while. God tells us to tell the truth because he is truth .

Lying also gets us into trouble. Usually one lie leads to another. It’s so much simpler, to tell the truth than to have to remember the lies we have told so that we can keep them covered up.

And lying makes it hard for others to trust us. But people who are honest are free and joyful.

Key verse: Stop lying to each other. Tell the truth. We are part of each other. So when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves. (Ephesians 4:25)

Related verses: Exodus 20: 16; 1 Corinthians 13:6; 2 Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18

Related questions: Is there such a thing as a white lie? Is it wrong to tell your parents that your brother did it when he really didn’t? Why is it wrong to lie?

Note to parents: Your example is going to make a big difference here. How do you represent the truth?

How you represent the truth will guide them more than the answer you provide to a question about lying.

When you catch children lying, find out why they lied, point out the mistake in their reasoning, and show why the truth would work better.

Is It All Right To Lie If You Are Embarrassed Or Scared?

Answer: No. Lying is wrong because God is truth and because he has told us not to lie.

Telling the truth can be difficult at times, especially when we might get embarrassed or punished for doing so.

But we should do what is right even when it’s not easy. Doing it God’s way is better in the long run.

Actually, although lying is common, people want others to be truthful with them. If you tell the truth when it’s hard, people will think, Wow! They will really respect you.

They will come to trust you and leam that you are a dependable person. They may even look to you for advice and leadership. Get into the habit of telling the truth.

Very few people will stop being your friend just because you tell the truth. Your friends, classmates, relatives, and neighbors want to be able to trust what you say.

The truth helps you; lies get you into even more trouble.

Key verses: [Jesus] never sinned. He never told a lie. He never answered back when insulted.

When he suffered he did not threaten to get even. He left his case in the hands of God who always judges fairly. (1 Peter 2:22-23)

Related verses: Genesis 20:1-18; 26:1-11; Exodus 20:16; Mark 14:53-65; James 5:12; 1 Peter 2:1

Related questions: Is it OK if I broke someone’s window with my ball when I was playing with my dog and didn’t tell them? Is it wrong to lie so I don’t get into trouble?

Note to parents: Children sometimes face embarrassing situations in school-situations that tempt them to lie to save face or to improve their image.

At times like that, encourage them to trust in God and in his protection.

Is It Ok For Mom And Dad To Lie To You About Your Christmas Presents?

Answer: God wants us always to be truthful. But that doesn’t mean that we have to answer every question that people ask us, nor does it mean that we have to tell them everything we know.

If you ask your parents, “What did you get me for Christmas?” or “Did you get me a bike for Christmas?” they can say something like: “I’m not going to tell you because I want you to be surprised.”

Be careful not to make excuses for lying. Don’t lie and then make up a reason for doing it.

When it comes to giving gifts, there are ways to surprise people and make them feel special without lying to them.

Key verse: Most of all, brothers, don’t swear by Heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no. That way you won’t sin and be guilty for it. (James 5:12)

Related verses: Exodus 20: 16; Proverbs 22:11; Colossians 4:6

Related question: Is it OK to lie if you are trying not to hurt people?

Note to parents: Children often don’t make allowances for “socially acceptable” lies the way some adults do.

And that’s good! Make it a household rule always to speak the truth. Your commitment to truth telling will have the benefit of developing honesty in your child.

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