Is It All Right To Laugh At Dirty Jokes?

Is It All Right To Laugh At Dirty Jokes?

Answer: Some jokes are funny but not good. We should avoid laughing at dirty jokes.

A “dirty” joke uses foul words or talks about sex in a wrong way, just to get a laugh.

It is called a dirty joke, even by people who don’t know God, because it’s bad.

Jokes that make fun of other people, their race, skin color, religion, and so forth are also bad.

Why? Because God is holy and pure and he wants us to be pure. Being like him is the key to living the way he meant us to live.

Telling or listening to dirty jokes fills our mind with wrong thoughts and may cause others to feel bad.

If you are near someone who is telling jokes that are bad, go away from that person.

You don’t want to listen to the jokes, and you don’t want to encourage the person who is telling them.

There are plenty of good, clean jokes. Listen to those, tell those, and have fun!

Key verse: Dirty stories, foul talk, and coarse jokes are not for you. Instead, remind each other of God’s goodness and be thankful. (Ephesians 5:4)

Related verses: Exodus 23:2; Psalm 1:1-2; Proverbs 3:32;4:14-15

Related questions: Is it OK to laugh at funny jokes about bad things? Is it wrong to tell bad jokes?

Note to parents: It is amazing what we will compromise because something makes us laugh.

Be careful not to repeat or laugh at dirty jokes. Humor is not trivial. And to a child, laughter represents approval.

Is It Wrong To Leave Your Homework Till The Last Minute So That You Can Watch Tv?

Answer: School is important because that’s where we learn important information that can help us live in this world.

Homework is an important part of school. Teachers give homework to help students learn what is being taught in class.

Remember, God wants us to do our best at everything we do – that includes school. TV is all right (if we watch good programs), but school is more important.

To get the most out of school, do your homework first, and do the best you can at it.

Family jobs and responsibilities should come before play and entertainment.

Then, if you have time, you can take time for playing, watching TV, and other activities.

You will often enjoy your relaxation, entertainment, and playtime more after you have completed your responsibilities!

Key verses: Take a lesson from the ants, you lazy fellow. Learn from their ways and be wise! They have no king to make them work.

But they work hard all summer. They gather food for the winter. (proverbs 6:6-8)

Related verses: Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:15,22.

Note to parents: You can use this kind of question as an opportunity to talk about responsibility and the satisfaction of a job well done.

Everyone has “jobs” to do, and some of them just aren’t fun! But we can choose our attitude in every situation, and we can choose to take pleasure in the responsibilities God has given us.

Encourage your child not to see work as a drag, but to do it as a service to God and to take pleasure in it.

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