Is Archaeology The Study Of Noah’s Ark?                           

Is Archaeology The Study Of Noah’s Ark?

Answer: Archaeology is the study of ancient cultures. It tells us about Bible times and people who lived long ago and what life was like back then. Archaeologists are the people who study and teach about archaeology.

They find out about Bible times by digging up old cities to find buildings and things people used long ago. They are even trying to find Noah’s ark. Archaeologists study other places, too, and have shown us many interesting things about people and places all over the world.

Key verses: So the flood slowly went away. And 150 days after it began, the boat came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:3-4)

Related verses: Genesis 6:9-8:22

Related questions: What is archaeology? How do we know about Bible times? Have they found Noah’s ark yet?

Why Do We Study The Bible?


Answer: It’s important to study the Bible because the Bible is God’s message to us and studying it helps us know and understand it better. If you want to learn more about butterflies, you study butterflies.

Studying the Bible helps us find out how to live and to find out what God wants. When we only read the Bible (without studying it), we may not see the meaning right away.

Studying helps us learn lessons for life-we learn God’s will so we can obey him. Studying the Bible is like reading a story many, many times – each time you see something different and learn more.

Key Verse: Work hard so God can say to you, “Well done.” Be a good workman. Then you won’t be ashamed when God examines your work. Know what his Word says and means. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Related Verses: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Related questions: How come God makes us do homework? What’s doctrine? What’s theology? Why do people have different ways of understanding the Bible?


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