If You Say Jesus When You’re Mad, Isn’t That Like Praying?

If You Say Jesus When You’re Mad, Isn’t That Like Praying?

Answer: No. It is one thing to talk to God. It is another to say his name as a swear word because you got hurt or angry.

Sometimes the same word can have different meanings. When and how we say a word can help tell what we mean by it.

For example, a person might smile and say, “That’s great!” with a happy tone of voice.

But another person could frown and mutter angrily, “That’s great!” The same words would have very different meanings.

It’s the same with God’s name. When people use God, Jesus, or Christ in a sentence, when and how they say those words can tell us what they mean.

We pray and worship using God’s name. In Sunday school classes we talk a lot about Jesus. And we talk about Christ with our friends.

Those are good ways to use God’s name. But some people say his name in anger, in frustration, or just in passing.

That’s called swearing or using God’s name “in vain.” That’s not OK. God says it’s wrong. We love God and want to please him.

We love Jesus and thank him for dying on the cross for us. So we should only say God, Jesus, or Christ when we are being serious about God, praising him, or praying to him.

We shouldn’t even say “My God!” or “Oh, Lord!” when we’re surprised. Treat God with respect. Honor his name. This will show others that you love and respect God, and that will affect them.

Key verse: You shall not use the name of the Lord your God irreverently. Nor shall you use it to swear. You will not escape punishment if you do. (Exodus 20:7)

Related questions: Why is saying “Oh, my God!” wrong? Why do people say God’s name in vain? Is it wrong to swear at other people? Why is it wrong to swear?

Why Do We Have Marriage?

Answer: God invented marriage because everyone needs someone to be close to and to love and be loved by.

He also created marriage as the place for bringing children into the world; Marriage is good.

In fact, God brought the first man and woman together in the Garden of Eden before any sin came into the world.

God knows what is best for us. He knows that babies and children need a mother and a father to protect them and to care for them.

Husbands and wives should stay together, work out their problems, and be good parents. That’s God’s plan.

Key verse: A man should leave his father and mother. And he should be forever united to his wife. (Matthew 19:5)

Related verses: Genesis 2:4-25; 1 Corinthians 7:1-2; Ephesians 5:31-33

Related question: Why do I have to be married to have a baby?

Note to parents: Emphasize God’s role in making families work. God doesn’t abandon families that have suffered divorce or other breakdowns.

He provided us with marriage; God’s plan for a husband and wife is that they will be married for life. In this sinful world, however, divorces do happen.

Through his grace, God can make any family the place of protection and provision that kids need.

Keep trusting God and depending on him to help you make the most of your situation.

On Tv, Why Do People Who Aren’t Married Live Together?

Answer: Many of the people who make TV shows don’t know God, and they don’t care about what God wants.

They don’t understand that his way is the way that works best. Some television programs try to show that marriage isn’t important.

But God created marriage, and he says that it is important and that it’s the right way for a man and a woman to live together.

Key verse: Yes, they knew about him. But they wouldn’t admit it or worship him. They wouldn’t even thank him for all his care for them.

They thought up silly ideas about what God was like and what he wanted them to do. So their foolish minds became dark and confused. (Romans 1:21)

Related verses: Exodus 20:14, 17; Proverbs 6:25; 7:4- 27; Jeremiah 29:6; Malachi 2:14-16; Matthew 19:3-9; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11; 6:18-20; 7:8-14; Colossians 3:5; Hebrews 13:4

Related questions: When can people do sex? Why is it wrong to have sex before marriage?

Note to parents: Monitor your family’s TV viewing. If you see an inappropriate scene in a program or an advertisement, talk about it with your child.

Discuss why it’s wrong and what the Bible says about sex.

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