If We Went High Enough In The Sky, Would We Find Heaven?

If we went high enough in the sky, would we find heaven?

Answer: No one but God knows exactly where heaven is. But the best way we can describe its location is to say it is “up.” If we rode a spaceship up, way out into space, we would not find heaven – it can’t be seen or found by people.

Only God can take us there. And that’s what he does, after we die, if we have trusted in Jesus as our Savior.

Key verses: Not long after this, Jesus rose into the sky. He went up into a cloud, leaving them staring after him. They were straining their eyes for another look at him. But suddenly two white-robed men were standing there with them.

They said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has gone to Heaven. And someday he will come back again, just as he went!” (Acts 1:9-11)

Related verses: John 3:13; Luke 24:50-51

Related questions: Where is heaven? Is heaven up?

What is heaven like?

Answer: The Bible uses some wonderful pictures to tell us what heaven is like. In our world, we think that gold is important because it’s so valuable. But in heaven, the streets will be gold – we’ll walk on it.

The best way to picture heaven is to imagine the most exciting and fun place that you’ve ever been to. Heaven will be like that only much, much better. Jesus told his followers that he was leaving earth to go to heaven to prepare a place for them.

He has a special place for us, where there is no crying or sadness and we will be filled with joy.

Key verses: [Jesus is speaking] “There are many homes in my Father’s house. I am going to prepare a place for you. I will come again and take you to me. Then you will be with me where I am about to go. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly.” (John 14:2-3)

Related verses: Isaiah 60:17; Revelation 21:21

Related questions: What will we do in heaven? Are the streets in heaven real gold or just painted gold?

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