If I Swear, Will I Go To Hell When I Die?

If I swear, will I go to hell when I die?

Answer: Although it is very important to watch what we say, God doesn’t decide who goes to hell because of our speech. Instead, our forgiveness and eternal life are based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If we trust Jesus to save us, we are forgiven. Of course that doesn’t make it all right to swear. We should always try to speak and do what is right.

Key verse: Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even that trust is not your own. It, too, is a gift from God.

Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done.  So none of us can take any credit for it. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Related verses: Romans 3:14; James 3:10

Related question: What happens to people who use bad words?

Note to parents: Many children think they are too bad or evil to be forgiven by God. If you sense that your child feels this way, he or she needs to know that God can forgive any sin. Tell your children that they are not uniquely bad-all people sin.

Will all of my friends go to heaven?

Answer: God loves your friends just as he loves you. Only God knows who will go to heaven and hell; we don’t. But there is only one way to heaven-through Jesus. So we can go to heaven only if we have given our life to Christ.

If your friends don’t follow Jesus, you can help them understand by telling them the Good News about Jesus and how he died for them. Heaven is worth going to even if your friends don’t. There will be no good times in hell.

Key verse: Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can get to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Related verses: John 5:24; 11:25; Acts 4:12; 1 John 2:23

Related question: Does God love my friends?

Note to parents: This may be a good opportunity to encourage your child to invite a friend to church or Sunday school.

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