If Adam And Eve Hadn’t Sinned, Would People Sin Today?

If Adam And Eve Hadn’t Sinned, Would People Sin Today?

Answer: We really don’t know what would have happened if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned in the Garden of Eden, but their temptation was a very important test.

Unfortunately, they failed the test, and sin entered the world; the perfect world became damaged, broken, and dirty.

Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, every person who has ever lived has been born a sinner. Sin is passed on from parents to their children. We do wrong things because we’re sinners.

Key verse: Adam caused many to be sinners because he disobeyed God. Christ caused many to be welcome to God because he obeyed. (Romans 5:19)

Related verses: Romans 5:12-19

Related question: Would Satan still be here on earth trying to get people to be evil if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned?

Note to parents: Though Adam and Eve sinned, God made a way for all people to come back to him- to be forgluen-by sending Jesus

What Made The Garden Of Eden Prettier Than Other Gardens Today?

Answer: The Garden of Eden was more beautiful than any garden today because God made it that way. Eden was perfect, and God was there.

The whole world was perfect because it hadn’t yet been spoiled by sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, God made them leave the Garden, and the whole world changed because of their sin.

Thistles and thorns began to grow, animals began to eat each-other, and human beings had to work hard at living in the world.

Key verse: So the Lord God sent him away from the Garden of Eden forever. He sent him out to farm the ground from which he had been taken. (Genesis 3:23)

Related verses: Genesis 3:17-19, 22-24; Isaiah 55: 12-13; Romans 8:22

Related questions: Why did Adam and Eve leave the Garden? Why wouldn’t the angels let Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden? Why were Adam and Eve naked?


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