How Do You Get Permission To Go To Heaven?

How Do You Get Permission To Go To Heaven?

Answer: There is only one way to get to heaven, and that is through Jesus Christ. Only people who trust in Jesus go to heaven. We can place our trust in Jesus by praying to God and telling him that

  • we are sorry for our sins – for disobeying him and living only for ourselves;
  • we believe that Jesus, his only Son, carne to earth and died on the cross, in our place, to take the punishment for our sin, and that he rose again from the dead; and
  • we want his Holy Spirit to live inside us and guide us. The Bible says that whoever does this and means it becomes a new person, a child of God. And all of God’s children will go to be with him in heaven when they die.

Key verse: God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Related verses: Matthew 7:21; John 1:11-13; 14:6; Romans 10:9-10

Related questions: Am I a bad person if I don’t ask Jesus into my heart? How does God choose who goes to heaven?

Note to parents: Leading your son or daughter to Christ can arise quite easily out of discussions about right and wrong.

Be ready for it by knowing what to say when a child asks a question such as this one.

If You Swear And You’re A Christian, Do You Still Go To Heaven?

Answer: If we have given ow lives to Christ, we will go to heaven, even if we occasionally do some-thing bad (such as swear).

But ow relationship with God will affect the way we live. People will be able to see a difference in our lives because we are Christians.

Yes, we can do bad things and still go to heaven, but why would we want to? God wants only the very best for us, and sinning hurts us.

Heaven is a place where everyone does good all the time. That’s because heaven is perfect and God is there.

People who love God love doing good. If we love God, we will want to please him, and we will trust that he knows what’s best for us.

Key verse: Now is the time to throw away anger, hatred, cursing, and dirty language. (Colossians 3:8)

Related verses: Proverbs 4:24; Romans 8:38-39; 1 Peter 1:15-16

Related questions: If I ask Jesus into my heart and then do bad stuff, will I go to hell? If you lied and then died before asking forgiveness, would you still go to heaven?

Will I go to hell if I backslide? If you drink and drive and crash and die, do you still go to heaven? If you sin every minute, will you still go to heaven?

Note to parents: This question will usually arise out of what kids hear from adults, not just their peers.

If you hear your child using swear words, take the opportunity to explain that it is wrong and why it is wrong.

Also keep in mind that what you model pulls a lot of weight. If you swear, so will your kids.

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