How Do You Get Jesus In Your Heart?

How do you get Jesus in your heart?

Answer: You become a Christian by asking Jesus to take over your life. You know that you have done wrong things, that you have sinned, and you recognize that you need Jesus to forgive your sins.

So you tell Jesus about your sins and that you are sorry, and you ask for his forgiveness. Then you do what Jesus says.

Key verses: But now God has shown us another way to Heaven. It is not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws. It is by a new way. It is not really new. Because the Scriptures told about it long ago.

Now God says he will accept us and declare us “not guilty.” He will do this if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. We all can be saved by coming to Christ. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we have been like.

Yes, all have sinned. All fall short of God’s perfect glory. But if we trust in Jesus Christ, God says we are “not guilty.” In his kindness he freely takes away our sins. (Romans 3:21-24)

Related verses: John 5:24; Acts 19:18; 1 John 1:9

Related question: How does someone become a Christian?

Would godsend nice people to hell if they are not christians?

Answer: Compared to each other, some people are nice and some are mean. But compared to God, all people are not very good. All people need to be forgiven for their sins, not just “mean people.”

To be fair, God has to punish sin. God doesn’t want to send anyone to hell. That’s why he sent Jesus – to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross.

But, unfortunately, not all people are willing to admit that they sin and ask for forgiveness. They don’t accept the payment of Jesus’ death for them. So God lets them experience the results of their choice.

Key verses: The Bible says, “No one is good without God. Every person in the world has sinned.” No one has ever really followed God’s paths or even truly wanted to. Everyone has turned away from God.

All have gone wrong. No one anywhere has kept on doing what is right. (Romans 3:10-12)

Related verses: Romans 5:16; Jude 1:4

Related question: Who will God send to hell?

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