How Do I Become Even Closer To God Than I Am Now?

How Do I Become Even Closer To God Than I Am Now?

Answer: Think of God as someone who wants to be your very close friend. For that to happen, you will need to spend time together.

You can spend time with God by reading his Word, the Bible. You can ask your parents to help you know where and how to read.

Also, you can talk with God about your life (called praying). When you pray, tell God about your fears and hopes.

Thank him for loving you. Tell him that you are sorry for disobeying him, and ask him to help you to get closer to him and do what he wants.

You can also tell him about other people and their problems, asking him to help those people, too.

You also get closer to God through worship. That’s why churches have worship services.

There, with other Christians, you can sing praises to God, talk to him, think about him, remember how much he loves you and what Jesus did for you, and learn from his Word.

Remember that God will draw closer to you if you draw closer to him. Tell him you want to get to know him better.

Ask him to draw you closer to himself. You can’t get closer to God just by doing a few “Christian” things. But you can get closer to him by having a relationship with him and asking him to help you get to know him better!

Key verse: When you draw close to God, God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, sinners! Let your hearts be filled with God. He will make them pure and true to him. (James 4:8)

Related verses: Colossians 1:9-14; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

If Lying Is A Sin, Why Did Some People In The Bible Tell Lies?

Answer: It is true that the Bible has stories about people who told lies, but the huge majority of Bible people told the truth.

God never says in the Bible that lying is right. Some people in the Bible chose to lie, but God didn’t say they were good for doing that.

God is truth, and he wants us to tell the truth. Honesty is very important for families, neighborhoods, cities, schools, companies, and friendships.

Honesty protects us from danger and helps us to be happier people. Be someone who always tells the truth, because that’s how God is.

Key verse: Stop lying to each other. Tell the truth. We are part of each other. So when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves. (Ephesians 4:25)

Related verses: Proverbs 6:16-17; 26:18-19; John 8:44; 14:6

Related questions: Is it ever OK to break a promise or tell a lie? What about Jacob in the Bible? Why do people in the Bible kill people? Is it OK to lie if God told you to?

Note to parents: One of the reasons for the stories in the Bible is so we can learn from the examples, both good and bad, of the people in them.

Some of their choices set good examples, and some set bad ones. We shouldn’t follow every example in the Bible.

The fact that Samson lied doesn’t mean we should. Whenever you read Bible stories about such people, ask, “What did this person do that was right?” and, “What did this person do that was wrong?”

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