How Did They Write The Old Testament If There Weren’t Any Paper Or Pencils?

How did they write the old testament if there weren’t any paper or pencils?

Answer: When the oldest books in the Bible were written, they didn’t have typewriters, computers, or printing presses. And there weren’t any ballpoint pens, felt- tipped pens, or number-two pencils.

But the people who lived back then did have other tools for writing. The paper they used was different, too. The paper they first wrote the Old Testament on was probably either papyrus or parchment.

Papyrus paper was made from a plant that grows in Bible lands. Parchment was made of animal skin. Either of these could be sewn into long pieces and rolled up into scrolls.

Museums have some of these ancient scrolls. You may want to visit a museum and see one.

Key verses: After the king burned the scroll, the Lord spoke to Jeremiah. He said, “Get another scroll. Write everything again just as you did before.” (Jeremiah 36: 27-28)

Related verses: Exodus 24:12; 2 Timothy 4:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21

Who wrote the bible?

Answer: The words in the Bible came from God. That’s why it is called “God’s Word.” God used people to write down the ideas, thoughts, teachings, and words that he wanted to put in the Bible.

The writers were very special people, chosen by God for this very important task. And God used many people, writing over many, many years.

These people wrote in their own style and in their own language, but they wrote God’s Word. God guided their thoughts as they wrote.

And God made sure that what they wrote was exactly what he wanted. He kept them from making any mistakes. Today we can read the Bible, God’s Word, which he wrote through those special people so many years ago.

Key verses: No prophecy in the Bible was thought up by the prophet himself. The Holy Spirit within these godly men gave them true messages from God. (2 Peter 1:20-21)

Related verses: Exodus 31:18; 2 Timothy 4:13

Related questions: How was the Bible made? Why did God ask certain people to write the Bible?

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