How Did Noah Build A Boat That Was So Big?

How Did Noah Build A Boat That Was So Big?

Answer: We don’t know exactly how Noah built the huge boat (which we call the “ark”). But God told him what size to make it and what materials to use, and Noah obeyed God’s instructions to the letter.

The boat had to be very large because it would have to hold Noah, his children, their families, and hundreds of animals. It had to be a boat because God was going to flood the whole earth.

It took a long time for Noah to build the boat. He probably used his whole family in the building project.

Why did Noah build the ark? Because everyone in the whole world had become so evil and violent, God was going to kill everyone with a flood.

Noah was the only good man in the world, so he and his family would survive in the boat. And all the animals Noah brought on the ark would survive, too. Noah did everything God told him – he obeyed God.

Key verse: And Noah did all that God told him. (Genesis 6:22)

Related verses: Genesis 6:11-22; Hebrews 11:7

Related questions: Why did Noah build a boat? Did God get into the ark before he shut the door?

How did Noah get the animals from all over the earth? How did Noah gather all the animals on the ark?

Why Did God Flood The Whole Earth?

Answer: God made the rainfall and the water rise in order to flood the whole earth so that all the evil people in the world would drown.

Because of sin, the world had gotten worse and worse. It was so bad that God became very sad; God was even sorry that he had created human beings.

People were evil, mean, cruel, and violent. God gave them 120 years to improve; they had many chances to obey God, but they only got worse.

Only Noah and his family were trying to live God’s way (only one family in the whole world!). Noah tried to tell people about God, but no one would listen.

So God decided to destroy all the human beings, except Noah and his family.

Key verse: Meanwhile, the crime rate was rising rapidly across the earth. As seen by God, the world was rotten to the core. (Genesis 6:11)

Related verses: Genesis 6:11-13; Hebrews 11:7; 2 Peter 2:5

Related questions: Why were all the other people bad? Was there not even one other Christian on the land anywhere in the world other than Noah? When the Flood came, did the people who could swim die too? Did fish die in the Flood?


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