How Come God Makes Storms With Lightning And Thunder?

How come god makes storms with lightning and thunder?

Answer: God made laws that control how the weather works. Thunderstorms are part of our weather. Without rain, the grass, flowers, and crops wouldn’t grow.

The lightning and thunder in those storms come from the electricity in the air and on the earth. Of course, God can interrupt his laws of nature. But he made those laws so the earth would work.

God doesn’t send storms to scare us or hurt us. But storms can be dangerous, so we should stay out of their way and find cover when they come.

Key verses: The clouds poured down their rain. The thunder rolled and crackled in the sky. Your lightning flashed. There was thunder in the whirlwind. The lightning lighted up the world! The earth trembled and shook. (Psalm 77:17-18)

Related verses: 1 Kings 18:5-45; Psalm 83:15

Related questions: How come, God, makes weather hurt people or damage stuff? Does God make the weather every day?

Note to parents: As mentioned in the note for question 78, many natural disasters are the result of sin in the world. Of course, we don’t know all the reasons for hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other terrible calamities.

But some natural disasters are clearly the result of misusing the environment (for example, strip mining) or poor planning (for example, building on a flood plain).

Why does god let wars happen?

Answer: Wars are a result of sin in the world. Because people aren’t perfect, sometimes they get angry and fight. When leaders of countries do this, wars start. Wars are like fights between people, only much, much bigger.

If people followed God’s instructions for living, there would not be wars. God wants people to get along, not to fight and kill each other. But if we ignore God and break his rules, we suffer.

God could stop all wars and fights in the world. But God wants human beings to trust him, to listen to him, to obey him, and to live in peace with each other.

Key verses: What is causing the fights among you? Isn’t it because there is a whole army of evil desires within you? You want what you don’t have.

So you kill to get it! You long for what others have. So you start a fight to take it away! Why don’t you have what you want? Because you don’t ask God for it. (James 4:1-2)

Related verses: Matthew 24:6; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Related question: Does God make bad things happen?

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