How Big Were The Worms That Ate King Herod?

How Big Were The Worms That Ate King Herod?

Answer: King Herod had become very popular with many of the people because he had been hurting the Christians.

Later, some people who were trying to get on his good side told him that he looked and sounded like a god.

Already a very proud man, Herod enjoyed hearing what the people said, and he accepted their worship as though he really were a god.

Because Herod did this instead of honoring God, God caused him to be filled with tiny worms, or maggots, that ate him from the inside out.

In the Bible, worms are a sign of pain and punishment.

Key verse: Right then, an Angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness. Soon he was filled with maggots and died. This was because he let the people worship him instead of giving the glory to God. (Acts 12:23)

Related verses: Mark 9:48; Acts 12:1-4, 20-23

How Could Peter Kill And Eat Animals That Were In A Vision?

Answer: Peter never actually ate the animals he saw in his vision; he received permission to eat them.

You see, the animals Peter saw were the types that the Jews were not supposed to eat (called “unclean” animals).

In his vision, a voice told Peter to kill and eat any of the animals he wished. Peter didn’t actually eat the animals that he saw because they weren’t real, but soon after seeing the vision, Peter learned its meaning.

Three men who weren’t Jews came to the door and asked Peter to come and talk to their leader, an officer in the Roman army.

Normally Peter, a Jew, would not have anything to do with non-lews (Gentiles) because they, like the animals, were considered unclean.

But the vision made him realize that he should go with the men. Because Peter obeyed God and went with the men, the Roman soldier (Cornelius), his family, and his servants all became followers of Christ.

Key verses: In the sheet were all sorts of animals, snakes, and birds. Jews were not allowed to eat any of the things that were there. Then a voice said to him, “Go kill and eat any of them you wish.” (Acts 10:12-13)

Related verses: Acts 10:9-48

Related questions: Why did God make Peter have that dream? What is a trance? Why did God bring a sheet of animals down?

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